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Paul Raven

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So the above is a bit of Courtney Simon's brief return. Thanks. I wish I could see all of it. 


I'd heard a fan or two talk about how hideous Louise Shaffer's wardrobe was as Stephanie. They aren't kidding. This [!@#$%^&*] looks like Mrs. Doubtfire formal wear. 


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Thanks. I just watched it. My comment there:


Nice performance from Louise Shaffer. Wasn't Stephanie wearing that when she was murdered? (the gift from Wendy) I guess we know Wendy wasn't killed, as Bela was later made into a good guy who had a happy ending with Sunny, right? I like the montage at the end, although it's sobering to see a Christmas serial killer story.


I didn't put this there, but Lisa Peluso's performance is hammy. I wonder if she wasn't comfortable playing a vixen until she got a bit older.

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Looking at these recently uploaded episodes of 1984-1986, They should have renamed it The Matt Ashford Show. Interesting to see Kevin Conroy here playing Chase. Now days he is only known for the voice of Batman by the majority of the public. His onscreen acting career is now pretty much forgotten. Right after he left SFT he did the stint as Bart on Dynasty that went nowhere. 

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Yeah. I think in one of the show's final episodes on YT, Sunny reveals to Bela that she was pregnant. Do you think it was a rewrite? That Bela was originally meant to off Wendy but they changed it at the 11th hour b/c the character fit well on the canvas?


Again, I'd kill to see the scene where Stephanie was killed and the reveal of the killer. From what I've seen of SFT (the 84-86 clips post on YT), I like the show and it'd be something I'd watch. It still had that wholesome, small town feel to it while it had some glamor via Stephanie, Liza, and Wendy. 


Peluso does come off as hammy, but do you think it may have to do with how actors/actresses were acting around that time? Being campy and bit over-the-top at times? While her reactions are funny at times, from what I've seen, I enjoyed Wendy. She isn't like the young ingenues we get now on soaps where I want the character to be killed off immediately b/c the actresses were incapable. 


It is good to see though that she got better on Loving as Ava and even better as Lila on Another World.


From all that I've seen of SFT from this era, Cagney does suck up a lot of the airtime, but it does help that he has stellar chemistry with Terri Eoff (Suzy) along with interacting well with Mary Stuart and Larry Haines. 


The writers though could've cut back on the McClearys sucking up the show the last 2 years though. Quinn, Adair, and Hogan are all good characters, but it doesn't help when Jo's family is being killed off left and right, and Stu only had Liza on the canvas. From what I've seen too, the Kendalls sucked up a lot of airtime too. Feels like the producers were itching to get rid of Jo & Stu's family altogether. Bet money had the show lasted longer that would've sadly came to fruition. 

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I think one of the reasons for that is some of these may have originally come from a Matt Ashford fan. I can't remember. 


I really like Matt Ashford as Cagney. It's unfortunate he was so forgettable as Tom Hardy, the other "normal" soap role he played. 


This clipset is a great example of what an understated, underrated actress Mary Stuart was. She adds such a believable air to what could have been hysteria and ham. I remember reading that before she died P&G had a small party for her to give her a Daytime Emmy and celebrate her career in daytime. I'm glad they did that, because she did so much for them, and truth be told, she knew Search far better than they ever did. 


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What I like watching about SFT is that it is truly one of the last soaps to have pure, wholesome characters that weren't pious. They had their flaws, but they weren't preachy like most heroes and heroines in soaps are. Like all other P&G soaps, this show had that tight knit communal feel and a group of characters that loved each other even though they despised each other at times (i.e. Jo/Stephanie, Suzy/Wendy). 


IDK whether it is how MS interpret the scenes, but I agree, @DRW50, that most heroines would be screaming, erratic shrews, while it is so refreshing to see Jo be calm, collected, and trying to find the good in everyone. 


It's a shame that Mary Stuart never got an EMMY for her acting, but she's in a class of other great actresses that were never given one either even though she should've. 

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Matt Ashford and those jeans are why the '80s will never die:


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As absurd as everything with this Hibbert guy is and as absurd as the image of Jo holding dynamite (I would love to hear Mary Stuart's thoughts on that one...) is, I love the portrayal here - a compassionate woman, still trying to see the best of this man (who can't believe that she still wants to believe the best of him), yet also a strong woman, willing to die rather than capitulate. It's a powerful moment. What would we get today? Well, no woman Jo's age would be given airtime, but beyond that - she'd either be passed out, or she'd be screaming and screaming until a man saves her. 



The scenes where Suzy cries and makes her promise never to go away or put herself in danger are very moving. The essence of the appeal of a character like Jo, and what she meant to viewers. 


I can see why juniorz1, years ago, mentioned how good Hogan and Sunny were together. It's a shame the show split them up.

Edited by DRW50
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God, I miss the days when actors like Larry Haines and Mary Stuart were just as much involved in stories as the younger characters. Had the show continued, it's a shame they killed off Terri Eoff's Suzi, as she would have been a natural successor to Mary Stuart as the heart of the show.  Sunny/Hogan was a great pairing. 

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I thought the model with Sunny/Sarah/Wendy/Jo/Suzy was cute and funny. 


What is everyone's thoughts on Evie? She comes off as milquetoast and saccharine of what little I've seen of her. Were they trying to push her as the virginal, innocent ingenue on the show? She seems so out of place as she seems too syrupy sweet. All of the women on SFT seems to have some form of backbone. Even Jo and Suzy, who are salt-of-the-earth type characters. 


I did think it was funny to see Sarah and Wendy lower their swords against each other and exchange a knowing look when Quinn chases after the 'fragile Evie.' :rolleyes:


Now that I've seen Sarah's death, it is somewhat ominous now that 'Every Breathe You Take' is playing the background of the montage. 


Riviera--I've seen that actor in clips somewhere. Wasn't he on Love of Life? What is the backstory with Riviera and Estelle? 


Gosh! This show seems so interesting around this time. Damn P&G for not releasing clips. I hope the YT keeps putting out more clips, so I can piece it together along with a few recaps I manage to find. 

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