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AMC: The Moving/Not Moving Thread

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A sweet, kind, caring, giving, generous actor... who makes every scene about him, steps on other people's lines and shouts over them... couldn't handle a scene where he almost got toppled over after giving his trust, heart and soul to his fellow, yet menacing, unnamed actor! Damn him, that unnamed actor, I say! DAMN HIM, ALL TO HELL!! How DARE he use such menacing weaponry -- a betrayal of deep and abiding trust given with such grace -- against Thorsten!

Again, I say...


Buh-bye, Thorsten... Kick rocks, Zach!

And they say there's no cure for a show eating cancer!

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I figured that this was the case. I don't think that ABC wanted to lose everyone all at once, despite Frons initially saying that those who do not want to be move, will be let out of their contracts.

I'm guessing Darnell, Debbi, and David C. fall into this category.

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Definitely David Canary; this jives with what his daughter said. I was thinking DM and DW as well but I believe they signed 4 year deals, so ABC would have to agree to release them. Unless they have outs.

I can't imagine Alicia Minshew will re-sign with the show next year so she's probably another.

SOD says "quite a few", in fact that's a direct quote from one of the actors. So there must be more.

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Oh, hell! She seemed optimistic during McTavish's last Purgatory stint as well. You know the one... where Erica was revealed to be used as a bargaining chip by her own father, actually allowing her to be raped just to get an actor to play in his movie. The one where Erica's groundbreaking, history making abortion was wiped out with one stroke of the keyboard... And, even worse... the one where Erica Kane was made a grandmother TWICE over :blink:.

Good heavens! :o

She's too much of a team player to say anything critical about the team. That's all good for the team, but bad for the fans who know you're trying to sell them a bill of goods as they watch the team fumble, stumble and crumble before their very eyes.

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I knew you were going to respond to my post. In the article she seemed optimistic about staying with the show long term. She didn't offer an opinion about the writing.

Pratt's writing for Erica overall has been better than McTavish, so I'm sure La Lucci is happy about that. But she knows that it could be better.

And no, Susan Lucci is not going to speak out. The only time I ever heard her speak out was when she was on The View a few years back to promote the "relaunching" of AMC (with the start of the Bianca-Michael Cambius saga). She said the show had "lost it's way" prior to that point (Sex and the City meets Fusion) and that they were planning to recenter the show.

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Oh, here it is... I guess this thread's priority has become rather obsolete.

Anyway, I was at another board and we were discussing the concept of Alicia Minshew saying after her maternity leave, she'd finish out her contract. Who remembers what was announced after she renewed earlier this year? Was it that she just re-upped or was there also a term mentioned. I forgot because I was just grossed out that we'd have to deal with more Kendall -- at all -- long or short term.

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