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GH: August Discussion Thread

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I couldnt disagree more. Nik & Liz is one of the stories that is long overdue at this point. They have hinted at it, toyed with it, and attempted it so many times over the years that its about time its being done.

What i hate is HOW its being done. Its not organic. It is random, out of nowhere, and a plot point. At first it seemed like they were gonna do the slow build, but then its like they just decided it was enough time of them falling and to go there. The first few scenes of it - the mention of the kiss, her cleaning his wounds and whatnot were great.

But now its all gone to hell. And it just comes off a plot device and wasting time until the come up with a new story.

I still wish they had gone there with Lucky/Liz/Nik and not Jason and Sam a few years back.

I do think Becky & Tyler have chem and work well together. He is one of the few people she has sexual chem with actually. But still, the story is flat. Its superficial and not deep or emotional.

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Agreed. Like Jax and Alexis who lots want to see as a real couple, some just shouldn't. On GH friendships rarely get focus and it's nice when Liz/Nik or Jax/Alexis are shown as friends.

Plus this stuff is starting out same as the awful Nikolas and Courtney pairing. Talk about unrootable. Nikolas hasn't even mentioned his brother or any thoughts of him in this period. But of course he's another self absorbed character like Sonny the show wants us to think is a good guy.

If GH would actually invest in a real triangle where Lucky was not the resident doofus, well just maybe but having a pairing forced like this and already knowing in a month or two Lucky will be out the door takes any suspense or interest out of it. It's just Guza's usual story for haves and have nots.

Plus I find TC a pretty lethargic actor and not appealing anymore and has only had chemistry with the chick he was actually sleeping with. And no I don't find BH a chemistry magnet. But something about her being with Lucky makes her likable to me after that terrible 2 years with Jason where Liz was the most unrootable unsympathetic character in that quad of Lucky, Jason, Sam, and Liz. I became a mega Sam fan for all her smackdowns of Liz and a huge Maxie fan for all her smackdowns of Liz also.

But many couples form after some tragic event. Perhaps had they tried Nik and Liz after Emily died and Lucky was occupied with Sam it might have worked.

I personally think GH is so pidgeon holed in their show, it stifles a lot. The 4 characters, Lucky, Liz, Nik, and Rembecily should be allowed to move away from this this high school nonsense onto adult relationships. I liked Lucky with Sam, Nik might have actually worked with Claudia. They actually did have chemistry and maybe Claudia wouldn't have been such a mess. Liz's only adult relationship Ric, while twisted, actually wasn't bad, and Rebecily - well if they ever get Jax out of Carly's butthole.

On a side note, I'd love to know why the men on GH, specifically TC and SBu, are allowed to balloon up while the show seems to fixate on the women's looks and weight. SBu is looking better, TC looks like a bloated mess.

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Part of it is I admit I don't like the actor. I think he's overrated and still overused on a show filled with mob crap. There is no reason he should get more airtime than many others on the show. Not one. Rick Hearst should have had the place TC gets on this show. Far more dynamic and talented. Maybe if they'd write something more for him than always being after a woman who's taken and maybe write something interesting, it might fare better. Liz/Nik have no interest in because it will again be a Nik centered story where he gets the chick who's all gaga over him, has no POV, and gets all self righteous with the chicks former love interest as if they did something wrong. Zander with Emily, Jax with Courtney, now his own brother. Which by the way Nik and Lucky is about the only relationship of either characters I actually like.

Plus the guy who was good looking once, is now a hot mess.

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The reason I liked Jax and Alexis was the buildup. They laughed together, they liked each other, she refused to let him play macho man with her. He respected her, which I have never felt any of the other men in her life have done.

I don't see that with Nik and Liz. Nik is a pig, and even though they have been friends for a decade, I've just never felt a bond between Nik and Liz. Nik has been thrown into the orbit of his love interests for most of his tenure and for long periods of time Liz was the same way, she was just about Ric, or about Jason.

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I love Jax and Alexis and the mixed marrieds was one of my favorite storylines. But I like them as friends and I don't know if I want to see them ruined for a romance.

Nik hasn't been interesting for years. Someone on another board said once Stefan was killed off it would be the death of his character because any real significant ties to the show were gone. Laura then Stefan. They were right. His character has been about 1 thing and 1 thing only. Liz is a hot mess of a character. The Jason/Liz story totally messed her up for me.

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I don't believe that every single hetero relationship on a soap should be romantic. I've been watching classic GH on YT and it is amazing how many wonderful male/female friendships there were in the past that never became romantic. It really is okay not to hook everyone up with everyone just because they sizzle in a moment or would make a pretty couple. It weakens the canvas overall. It also makes it impossible to invest in romances when characters are on their 50th love interest.

I liked that the Jax/Alexis friendship never went romantic. What I don't like is that they have any scenes together any more. Has Jax even comforted Alexis since Kristina ran off? Guza does not invest in these types of relationship and GH is poorer for it.

Nikolas is a selfish pig. He is not much different from Sonny and Jason. The three actors look bored most of the time and they can barely remember their lines. I cannot buy into any of their romances because every new woman is the love of their lives. Nikolas will use and toss Liz on the trash heap. It is the way it goes.

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And on GH because they constantly throw characters at each other, viewers get conditioned to think that's the next pairing. On Y&R I love Michael and Phyllis. Jax and Alexis on GH. And while I haven't seen this great Nikolas and Liz friendship like ever(it was more Liz and Lucky, Lucky and Emily, and Nikolas and Emily), they do have a long term connection on the show. Just because they are unattached, doesn't mean they should be paired. What's wrong with family and friendship on a soap. I hate that GH only focus's on a real hetero relationship with Carly and Jason and really no one else. It sucks for the rest of the canvas.

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GH does sucky triangles which I hate. There never is any doubt that Guza's pet is going to win the girl so what is the point? Nikolas is so sleazy. For a brother to do this to another without a thought is pretty low. Liz is not any better. She is always up under some man who is in love with another woman. This story is a cess pool. Only beautiful Lucky is worth watching. I will never believe any woman would want bloated Nikolas over hot Lucky, NEVER.

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What the heck is Nikolas up too? Sure I'm curious, but I don't get it. What kind of revenge is he planning against Rebecca? I would much rather see him pursue Elizabeth. They might be going a dark Cassadine route, which would be interesting. TC seems to be sulking in every scene however, it's very annoying.

Jason and Sam... I can't stand these two together. Yay for their big fan base and yay for KM signing an extension, but I honestly can not stand when these two mumble together in scenes. If I DVR the show, I have to FF their scenes together..

However, I'm loving Dante and Lulu together. Let's hope they don't go and mess this relationship up.

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Nikolas' plan is to boink and then cook and eat Rebecca for revenge

I don't see chemistry between Dante and Lulu. He is too old for her.

Spinelli makes me throw up in my mouth a lot.

A bus from Cancun to NY, really? Who knew.

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TC is ballooning up by the day. I don't like Rebecca but I think even she's too good for him. He can have Liz.

Dante and Lulu - zzzzz - JMB has chem with no romantic partners

Spin - he's ruined Maxie

Jasam I actually like although their stuff is a little OTT and corny.

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