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GH: August Discussion Thread

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All the ABC soaps are a mess. AMC with this idiotic baby story and now David is running around with a gun? OLTL and the endless Rex and Gigi nonsense. They need to be backburned. And GH worst of all. I thought actually Spin and Georgie had some potential to be cute and LL is no where near an OTT actress as KS is. They've ruined Maxie who was on her way to being quite a vixen on GH. I loved her storyline with Lucky, I liked her animosity with Lulu. The Spin nonsense has turned her into a cartoon.

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I'm just not a fan. I've lost total intetest in RObin as a character. The actors do work well together so I guess that's the bonus but there are lots of pairings that have had chemistry IMO, Ric and Alexis, Jax and COurtney, Nik and Emily, and I have detested the writing for all of them and really made me dislike them, despite it. That's how I feel about Robin and Patrick. I've just never understood the appeal but heck they seem to be liked more than hated but to me they aren't soapy and when the show tries to give them a meaty angsty story like the PPD story, it ends up both horribly written and acted. I enjoyed the Patrick aids scare for them. I think that's pretty much it.

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I didn't like the Patrick HIV scare story. The only story I ever liked for Robin and Patrick was the MetroCourt story when she got shot and the immediate aftermath. It was the only time that I believed that Patrick was in love with Robin. The declarations of love and devotion which didn't last that long were the most romantic that they had ever been on GH.

Overall, I don't think that GH is a soapy soap any more. It a sweep stunt soap. It no longer resembles the soap that it was even in the early 90s before Guza returned. I watched tons of GH scenes on YT and it is amazing how different it is today.

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The main reason I like Patrick and Robin is because I think the actors can express love and longing and pain. KM is excellent at this and Jason Thompson is also quite good. I didn't like her with Jason because I thought she did most of the work and Steve Burton was a brick wall.

I don't see any other couples on GH who can express those emotions. The writing is not there for them in many cases but even then I don't think most of the cast can carry it off. I suppose it helps that Kimberly and Jason have not left the show, like the various loves of Nik's life, but even then, the only time I can believe Nik is in love is if he meets a girl named Anabolic.

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Exactly. KMc and JT sell me on Robin and Patrick's feelings for each other which is a miracle because the writing for them is so consistently bad. JT must be good because I was done with him after Night Shift 1 and Leyla and I am buying his love for Robin again. Carly and Jax are the other "happy" couple on GH and I have never bought their love for each other.

I loved Robin and Jason, but looking at old clips, I realized that it was all KMc. Steve Burton tried which he barely does now, but he does not have a lot of offer in terms of acting talent.

ROTFLMAO!!! I hope Tyler Christopher and Steve Burton are working with a doctor as they gobble down those steroids. Tyler Christopher looks like he can't wait to finish his scenes so he can go home and pop another pill. Stephen Martines who played Nik for several years did a much better job with the character. He was able to express emotion and looked interested in his scenes. Did they fire him or did he quit? I never got that story. I saw Martines at a live event once. He is insanely handsome, much better looking than he looked on the screen. He was on The Closer for several episodes this season and did okay.

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I always thought Stephen Martines/Colton Scott was let go then replaced because TC wanted to come back. I forget. I miss him. He was the first soap star I ever met, so I had a huge crush on him. I remember when he made the move to Guiding Light and I attempted to watch it.

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