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GH: August Discussion Thread

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Seriously, what happened to him? He was hot as hell. Now he is bloated and unattractive. I have read speculation that he is on steroids. Guess that is one possibility.

I saw a still of GV, TC, and NP. All I could think was is very hot (GV), used to be hot (TC) and was never hot (NP). What a strange bunch of brothers.

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Please, people, puhleeez. You, Cat, who were clamouring for more positivity and "Y&R is not that bad" to change your approach all on a whim, in an instant... Puhleez. What kind of a double approach is that? You took part in positivity craze in Y&R threads.

Furthermore, I wasn't calling for positive comments. As far as I care, they can be negative, positive, whatever. Just realistic, unbiased (yeah... who am I kidding? :rolleyes:).

Thanks. :) But as I was saying I didn't call for more positivity. I am definitely not the kind of person who would make such a plea. Those calls were precisely what wrecked so many threads.

Instead, I was interested in seeing Sinclair's view, his view as a writer of whether there is something that keeps his attention.

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On the subject of how Sarah Brown should feel about LLC -- Sarah has seen LLC types float in and out of the show for years. Yet another of Sonny's new love interests, who will slowly have no purpose on the show other than Sonny, who will lose any self-respect, and who will probably be gone within a year and a half or two years.

Casting a man who looks as old as she does, if not older, as her son does not help.

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What does it matter to you what my opinion is about Y&R or GH or any soap and if/when it changes? Why follow me onto different threads just to trash me and my opinions? It's not going to stop me from posting on this thread or the Y&R ones.

You already mentioned in a previous post that your initial comment was misconstrued and directed at RSinclair specifically. I got it.

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You are so right about Olivia. She will be gone soon enough. Yet she takes away Sonny airtime from Claudia an Sarah Brown mentioned that she might not re-sign because she is unhappy with her character. Claudia is not popular and is very isolated on the canvas. If she does not have Sonny, what happens to her? Her original Carly had Jason when she was apart from Sonny. I don't really care about any of the mob characters, but was surprised to hear Sarah Brown speak out in that way. I am sure that Guza will find a way to appease her.

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I watched a full episode for the first time in ages today (Tueday the 4th's episode) and I really enjoyed the majority of it (might I add there was no Sonny, Jason, Carly, Jax, Claudia, Sam, Spinelli, etc. in this episode?). Olivia is definitely the highlight for me, she's such a "real" character and I enjoy Lisa LoCicero, she's a breath of fresh air for GH...I can only imagine how long it takes Guza to screw her over.

Patrick and Robin trying to figure out who killed Brianna Hughes...um, isn't that Mac and Lucky's job?

Dominic/Dante is actually pretty enjoyable and I like where his relationship with Lulu looks set to be going. Liz and Nikolas were good as well...

It seems GH is actually starting to improve a little and is enjoyable. Obviously I might have to rethink that opinion when an episode featuring the cast who were absent today is on, but it was watchable and actually pretty good. My only peeve is that they NEED TO UPDATE THE OPENING. I only hope when AMC makes the move to LA that its opening doesnt go the same way as GH's...

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Seriously. That lovely banner at the beginning of this thread? All they need is a 10-second still of that alongside the sound of the ambulance screeching past the gates of GH like they used to have in da olden days.

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Rebecca/Lucky and Liz/Nikolas should just screw around and then go back to their other partners. That makes more sense to me than all the confusing attempts over the past few months to create interest in them. Nikolas is such a huge mess of a character.

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