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GH: August Discussion Thread

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I agree, fully.

Maxie & Spin work best when they are bestfriends, who kinda hate each other on one hand, but love each other on the other hand. They could always always always play off that "What if we tried to be a couple" dynamic in other pairings the two were in. Maxie also needs to go find her inner bitch again.

And id love it if Maxie discovered Liz/Nik hooking up and was tempted to tell Lucky, but then thought about how much it would hurt him. And they built off that. I just want maxie & nikolas again, lol, i LOVED them!

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Laura Wright as Carly? Still highly ambivalent.

But LW's hair? Oh, how a covet thee.

This Zamprogna guy is really growing on me as Dante/Dominic. I also liked how yesterday's episode was B-story-centric. It fleshed out a lot of SLs that are not necessarily linked to the mob.

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I noticed yesterday that it was made clear that Lucky and Liz are not in a committed relationship. Gives me hope that Lucky won't give a damn that Liz is screwing Nik. Too bad when Nik is done with Liz, she will end up with Lucky.

Must say that I am surprised that Greg Vaughan is still on contract. I never thought that he would make through the summer much less into his next 26 month cycle. Maybe GH is phasing out its lesser contract players instead of a major dump to avoid the bad PR.

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That explains why last week's episodes were consistently enjoyable. Plus, no Spin the last couple of days.

No Sonny, no Clawdia, just A, B and C SLs progressing and characters interacting. We GH fans do not ask for the moon. Just some balance!

For the first time in forever, I am interested to see if Nikolas goes over to da Cassadine Dark Side. It might even give him a personality.

Dominic/Dante is growing on me each day. I really like how we have a smart, active cop on the show going up against the Masterchef Moobster. Not that it will last long, probably. LOL.

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Poor Nik? More like stupid ass Nik. Everyone warned his dumbass that Rebecca was conning him. It is too bad that his stupidity gets rewarded with an affair with always open for business, Liz. Oh, Rebecca should have slapped him not lucky.

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Rebecca deserved it, she's a woman, after all. I guess Nik only becomes moral when money is involved. If you take out the money, he's one of the biggest whores in town.

It's hard to believe how much promise Nik debuted with in the mid-90s. And this is a Guza character, so he probably doesn't even hate him. Guza just sucks as a writer.

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And another thing, if any of the female actors on GH ever put on weight like Steve Burton and Tyler Christopher have over the years, they would be fired in a heartbeat. Tyler Christopher's face looks like it is about to explode.

I was thinking about how few Guza created characters have survived over the years. Nik is the only one that remains from the 90s and that is probably only because Guza left soon after Nik entered the canvas. I think that the next "long" standing Guza created character is Sam, followed by Patrick. Guza brings them in and cycles them out.

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