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Maureen Garrett last appeared at the AWFUL one-day episode in which Ross died, was buried, and his widow finished grieving in order to run for mayor of Springfield. Sorry, but this was one of the wonderful examples of why those Wednesday episodes didn't work. Yikes. This was spring 2006. The last time Holly was seen was a year earlier, late April/early May 2005, at the Towers sharing a meal with Alan Spaulding after she arranged to sell him part of the paper in exchange for a share of Spaulding Enterprises. This was around the time everyone was getting ready for another Spaulding/Lewis war. I believe in Holly's final scene, Blake (who had alligned herself with Josh Lewis and her newfound half-brother Sebastian Hulce) learned of the Alan/Holly alliance and flipped out. I seem to recall Ron Raines made a comment how Alan would like the idea of going after Roger's woman. The storyline seemed to be going somewhere, but this was really the last time the show had any sort of longterm plans from what I could tell. Afterwards, there was the Kim Zimmer pay cut incident and the massive departure of most of the onscreen cast. Garrett was listed as recurring for a long time but simply never appeared after this barring the one off funeral episode.

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Sorry for the yelling and screaming but Wheeler is a [!@#$%^&*]!!

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They're not ever going to give any returning vets a story. She will be there probably as a talk-to for Olivia, or if we're lucky she might get to eventually have conversations with Blake or Ed. I'm just surprised they have her coming back at all. I thought they were going to pretend there was no Holly.

dc, I don't remember that last story for Holly. I had tuned out by then, because I was sick of Jonathan. That does sound like they were going somewhere. I think they hinted around about Alan/Holly somewhere in 2000, which also didn't go anywhere.

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It was one of those blink and you miss it moments really, not even a real story. It was probably one of Kreizman's best ever storyline ideas and yet he never followed up on it. What a shame. That really could have energized the show. What could have been, right?

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Yeah it was only maybe two or three episodes episodes devoted to a story, which, in Kriezman time, was huge. Before that, Holly was upset that a suddenly platinum haired Sebastian was spending time with Beth Raines while sporting a new affection for motorcycle. As I said, longterm planning wasn't a strong suit of Kriezman's.

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I don't remember that either (I guess the story with Beth went nowhere). I do remember him suddenly having blonde hair. None of the Sebastian story made sense to me, the part I saw. I just remember him doing a lot of overacting.

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I suspect had they casted someone to play Ed Bauer during the original Sebastian/Santa Domingo plotline maybe Sebastian would have worked. Yet, "Guiding Light" had an obsession writing storylines about characters who weren't on the show. If another soap book is written, I can only imagine the confusion new readers would figuring out how Phillip was behind Ross' death in 2006 when Ross stopped appearing in 2005 and Phillip in 2004.

Overall, I was disappointed when they wrote out Sebastian. There seemed to be loads more story to tell and yet Sebastian was simply shipped off during his botched kidnapping attempt of Lizzie Spaulding. I guess because he wasn't a Spaudling, a Cooper, or a Jammy spoiler he had no place on the canvas <_<

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Exactly. I love MG and Holly to death and I'll be thrilled to see her, especially in scenes with LK's Blake, but it's insane to wait until there's barely two weeks worth of episodes left to bring her on. Plus with all of the horrific death and insanity-based spoiler rumors floating around, I'm a little worried that they're only bringing her back so they can make her a psycho again, she'll kidnap Colin, they'll both end up dead, and what's left of Springfield will commit mass suicide. I can actually imagine Wheeler being willing to stoop that low. It seems her mission in crafting the final weeks of GL is to inflict as much pain on the viewers as possible as punishment for us not appreciating the "genius" of her "revolutionary" vision.

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The Sebastian story had the potential to be explosive, but the show only seemed interested in writing the story when it first debuted in Sept 2004, and when Manny were involved. As soon as Manny weren't involved, they dropped the story like a hot potato and it was only an afterthought, and finally Sebastian was used as an foil for Lizzie and Coop.

If DK's tenure is known for anything, it will most notably be known for missed opportunities.

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If I had been in charge of GL,and we'd gotten the word of a cancellation some months ago, and we'd been able to get all these people back (Phillip, Michelle, Ed, Danny, Holly, Jonathan, etc), you would've seen a sea change. The show would've focused on THEM and the other important vets so as to do at least a truncated version of six months to a year's worth of story, so the show can go out on a great note. Instead these people seem to be showing up to support more of the current crap. Ellen Wheeler is beyond incompetence.

That Sebastian story was a good idea that didn't work because Kreizman and Wheeler had a habit of banking on getting certain actors (Grant Aleksander, Peter Simon) and failing. And once that glaring flaw became apparent, all Kreizman's potential dissolved and he just seemed to start doing whatever at any given moment, which is how the show has felt now for a couple years. Any show that can waste an actor like Doug Hutchison deserves what it gets.

What this show SHOULD have gone out on is with a number of vet-based stories, specifically, to name one, Ed and Holly returning to Springfield, falling in love again, and marrying in the last episode in a decent approximation of the Bauer house or the lighthouse, surrounded by family. And the fact that they fucked things up so bad that Harley can't appear after all her years with the show is unbelievable.

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I'll never understand why Wheeler didn't save a few three wall sets, in the event of the show's cancellation. I think that was very arrogant and short-sighted of her.

She could have at least taped the last episode in the Bauer kitchen, a party after someone's wedding or funeral.

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Holly Thorpe should have never left GL!!! I am so happy she is coming back!!! I always though she was underrated. I would love to see her as Marie Horton on days or maybe a recast Brooks sister on Y&R. she is a great actress and a beautiful lady!!! Welcome Home, Maureen Garrett!!!

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Guest dc cubs

The CBS web site just confirmed two more GL returns.


MORGAN ENGLUND returns to Guiding Light. Morgan played Dylan on and off since 1995. He was last seen in Springfield 2006. Brian Gaskill previously played the role.

MELISSA HAYDEN returns to Guiding Light as Bridget. Look for Melissa to return this August.

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