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Y&R: Week of June 8, 2009

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It's too bad certain posters have drove you away. I don't post here as often because of all the negativity to Y&R. Y&R may be the worst soap in the air to some or even suck but Hell at least it showcases it VETS. I cant say that about any other soap on the air right now. And bringing back old favorites with the original protrayer. What a great concept. I wish suckage ATWT would be half as good as Y&R is right now.

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brimike, I agree with you. I don't mind when people are displeased with the show, but this thread has become one where the actual happenings on the show are barely discussed and its more the same week to week bitching about why MAB sucks and Hammer sucks and Sheffer sucks. It's a shame that the actual episodes and what happened on those episodes is rarely the topic of discussion anymore.
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I think they have Billy and Nick as indecisive to try to create more of a rooting interest in various couples, but I do see them as driving the stories. Mac, Chloe, Sharon, and Phyllis have no real identity of their own outside of Billy or Nick. They revolve around these fickle men who drive them nuts but are still their soulmate.

I agree with a lot of what you've said about MAB's efforts, but I haven't been bowled over by her attempts to fix stories, because I don't know if they've actually been to the benefit of the show. I don't think anything about Jill's story has improved because she's no longer Katherine's daughter. I can see where fans who hated the twist of their being mother and daughter would be happy, but the only payoff was scene after scene of Jill blasting Katherine while Katherine tries to be noble. Other areas which should have been fixed, like Victoria becoming so milquetoast, have actually been made much worse.

I do think Y&R is better than any of the other soaps, and I enjoy parts of the show. I guess I'm just too let down by some of the glaring problems like pacing and misogyny to focus on what I do enjoy. I wanted so much more for characters like Adam and while it's unfair of me to not separate what I wanted from what we're getting, I can't stop wondering what could have been if they hadn't decided to go for style over substance.

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And I'm gonna try to shut up! (Thunderous herds applaud!)

I really perceive myself as one of those middle-of-the-road viewers (love some stuff, not some other stuff), but apparently it doesn't come across that way.

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Yeah. :) Imagine me entering this thread for the past... I can't even remember... Reading rationalization after rationalization after dream casting choice after dream casting choice after... :) It was fun.

Anyway, I wish I wasn't as lazy as I am in this very moment to reply to everything you say. But it won't matter so why bother?

I am enjoying these epithets and hate I'm getting. Tons of fun. Love dovey PMs I send, how I was first in love with Alvin, now I'm his lapdog... It's... Unbelievable. :) Whole lotta other cr*p, too. But someone's obviously enjoying it.

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No one here forbids anything. You like it? OK. But I do not. Obviously, the problem is one "group" can't avoid trying to convince the other "group" of how good/bad it is. And generally, nothing wrong with it either. The problem is when insults on personal basis appear. And those too cannot be avoided, ti seems.

Then there's that famous Ignore Button.

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Don't stop posting. I enjoy your posts and thoughts of the show.

I respect Alvin. His posts have a lot of merit. But him repeating himself about changes needed doesn't contribute to the everyday chat of the show. Alvin knows what works and what doesnt in soaps. I am just surprised at how fast he has turned against Y&R.

Sylph...eh..blah :lol:

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Thank you! Couldn't have said it better myself. I just wish the conversation was on what happened today! YOu like this -

-Did you notice they updated more old scores from Y&R past? OMG it was good. I like this updating, everything old is new and retro theme.

-I SO was waiting for the Heather/Patty Jane meeting! And it brought out the best in Vail.

-DD is really getting into the game. I loved how he's subversely amused by Mj's antics - almost like a brother-sister rivalry thing.

-Seeing Nikki and Victor together and not at each other's throats made me tear up a little...STAY MTS! STAY!

-CE threw away the final line of today's ep...it's so fun to dissect the inner struggle the actor must have.

-The art storyline is so unworthy...it just baffles me. But the actors are great. It just doesn't make any sense. It has to be

doing this to get Amber, right? When is he supposed to show up??

The actor who plays Dr. Taylor is a keeper. Find a way to keep him on the show - he's really a good actor! I know I've seen him somewhere - was he on Shawshank Redemption?

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Yes, I did notice that and enjoy it.

I liked Heather's time with Paul. I actually think they make a good father and daughter combo.

I always liked DD. I am glad he is involved in Patty Jane story.

Yes, the scenes were a treat. I have a feeling MTS will stay.

I thought it was a grea ending. I wish CE would have reconsidered his awful choice to leave.

This is one story that I am not liking but is moving quickly. It's been done so many times ..the money part and Amber.

I remember seeing him on eppys of Matlock, MSW and others. He always seems to be evil parts. I like him too.

Elsa, I love reading your posts and your kick ass Sue Ellen avatar. :D

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i have to repeat myself and say that I am truly loving this show right now. I have been a fan of this show since I was a kid (I'm 27 right now). The only time I have really disliked/hated this show was during the second LML year until MAB started...then i started to enjoy it once again.

And you all might disgree but Nick/Sharon are one of my fave soap couples--ever. In this Phyllis/Nick/Sharon tri, I honestly cannot feel bad for Phyllis because she is a hypocrite...she's going through the same thing that Sharon did years ago. Don't get me wrong Nick & Sharon are in no way saints...but I just have trouble drawing up sympathy for Phyllis. I can understand she's hurt and heartbroken but I hate her "he cheated on me" and "he left me for another woman" and "what about my daughter" rants that she goes on about. Um...Nick cheated on Sharon with you & were the "other woman" years ago. Besides you weren't thinking about Noah when Nick left Sharon for you.

Loving the Mary Jane storyline...honestly I believe everyone is in agreement about this storyline. The actress is phenomenal.

The art storyline is most definitely the weakest link. And I got to say that HANDS DOWN Daniel is the dumbest character on this show. I like his portrayer but his character is annoying and beyond stupid. Kevin got it right "you risked your life to get back a stupid painting."

But my fave storyline is the Adam/Ashley one. I have always been a fan of dark literature, films or tv series...so i am really digging this storyline. It is so creepy and disturbing.

Side-note: I also disagree that the killing of Cassie was a mistake. It was a good storyline that created gut-wrenching and riveting drama for years. The only mistake IMO was actually making Phyllis/Nick a legit couple.

Remember this all jump my honest opinion, I'm not trying to start board wars, just good healthy discussion.

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