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Just watched the reunion. It was good.

They all knew the show was trash but they enjoyed making it. Some jokes about repeating the same dialogue every day for months on end, with Galen mimicking wanting to shoot himself in the head.

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The same night where Antonio died, Kay found out she couldn’t have anymore children, Miguel and Charity left town and Sheridan and Luis went to Mexico to get Paloma and ended up running into Martin and Katherine. 

I’ll never understand the whole 2+ month days

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Yeah. The writing did start to get really sloppy around that time. They spent years building up Martin as this great guy who loved his family, but with the awful rewrite with Katherine coupled with the writing that came after, it told me that Martin really was just a coward 

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Yes that was the first year in 1999, leading up to New Year's Eve. 

I must say, Passions was the first soap I got hooked on as a teen in the summer of 2000 when the prom boat sank. I remember being a kid bored and I come from a family of CBS soap watchers, so while they watched (in my mind at the time- boring Y&R and B&B) my grandmother told me to turn to NBC where all of a sudden I'm introduced to Evil Charity in her prom dress shooting lightening out of her finger tips and the high school students on a prom boat are in chaos as they struggle to stay afloat, and I thought to myself, this is cool haha. Throw in Timmy in his tux running on the pier and Tabitha with her tiara and I was hooked right away.

Now that I'm older and rewatched the series in its entirety I appreciate what it tried to do and was. 1999 in my opinion was a slow start to introduce everyone but by 2000-2003 it was on fire. The double wedding with Ivy crashing through the church and faceless Alistair getting spineless Julian to poison Sheridan's wedding ring so she'd die at the altar once slipped on her finger (haha!), Bermuda, Warlock Island, Julian caught between Ivy, Rebecca and Theresa fighting to be the real Mrs. Julian Crane, Zombie Charity, the mysterious shed and are Whitney and Chad brother and sister? I mean Reilly literally had me hooked as a kid and the show knew who there audience was- silly and over the top unrealistic stories, sure, but highly entertaining. I think it lost its magic so to speak with Josh Ryan Evans passing away as Timmy and the departure of Jesse Metcalfe and Molly Stanton as Miguel and Charity kind of put an end to a lot of the things that made Passions work so well. 

Sure after that we got nutty Beth, Charlie and the whole Sheridan in the pit story and other good moments peppered in over the years that followed, but over time the tone switched somehow and was never the same. They tried to recover the magic with Endora being born but it couldn't save it. And don't get me started on DirecTV, I was soooo disappointed with those episodes to the point where my Passions loving heart was ok with it being cancelled the second time if it meant it didn't get any worse. 

No matter how bad it got Passions is still what got me into soaps and it wasn't all bad, especially 2000-2003ish they were on a roll and I still watch the episodes on YouTube, I'm happy that the loyal fans keep it alive after all these years and that its longevity continues and reunions because that doesn't always happen with cancelled soaps.  

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