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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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If this was any other show people would simply say, "he should've done his job, he has a contract, bye." Because it's Y&R - and for some, sadly, because it's a GLBT thing - it's a ~*CONTROVERSY OMG U GUYZ*~.

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I thought Rakesh said to play nice? Obviously you're still upset about something?

Wow. Who knew you could stoop so low. :mellow:

And Mark, I know this may surprise you, but not everyone has some sort of handicap or deficit. Since you were quick to judge, obviously, this is something you have been dealing with all your own. I do apologize for your own unwarranted outburst against me and hope that you can find some sort of inner peace.

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Just tell me this. Are you willing to accept the possibility that maybe he acted unprofessionally, maybe he had a homophobic reaction and maybe he quit over that, and that's his own fault?

No one put a gun to his head.

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I know this is supposed to be all about "the gay" but if you take the kiss out of it you have an actor who's been increasingly irritable, vocal about his disatisfaction, calling in sick and who finally quit in a huff. That sounds like depression to me or maybe a substance abuse issue.

The "homophobia" makes for better copy of course but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

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^ And I'm glad you brought up calling in sick, because that is also a no-no, almost never done, but instead, Engen reportedly used a series of sick days to try and hedge. That's unprofessional bullshit too, whether it was about a gay storyline or not. It's flat out bad form. I don't care if Jim Reilly is writing the show, Dena Higley, Satan, Hitler, you don't [!@#$%^&*] around with a soap schedule and just call in to get out of playing a story.

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I'm not doubting for one second that this fiasco is his fault. If you're asking me whether he is in the right, I don't think he is at all. Walking out on the job/refusing to come in is extremely unprofessional.

And maybe he did have a homophobic reaction. But I want to hear more than just one source(Nelson Branco) say this while everyone else picks up the story, runs with it, and puts their own spin on it. I don't know if he quit because of the gay kiss or whether it was something else.

Anyway you look at it, he was really unprofessional about it.

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It worries me that people are reacting this much over Nelson DAMN Branco!

The over-the-top drama queens who take it upon themselves to be "a voice for the gay community" really tick me off to no end. Michael Fairman writes a soap column for the Advocate's website. Why is it that he wrote a few paragraph about AMC's murder storyline? What in the world does that have to do with gay issues? OH wait, Pratt fucked up Bianca/Reese, and so Fairman has to look at every storyline on the show with contempt until his feelings are healed.

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I love you.

Religion shouldn't prevent you from doing your damn job. Period.

:lol: He quit the show in the middle of his contract. That's bound to have its own ramifications for Mr. Engen's career.

I'd piss my pants if I saw the Engen story on Larry King.

:rolleyes: Ever the martyr.

In short, while I admit to recently warming up to Engen & his portrayal, his overall tenure on the show was uneven at best. There were times where he was laughable and while they did somehow end up with some chemistry, pairing him with the inept Vail Bloom didn't do him any favors.

If the whole "I won't play gay" angle is true, then I feel sorry for him. Love or hate his storyline, Engen has been getting some meaty material and a true artist would want to dive right into that and portray every angle the writers threw at him.

Of course I want to hear Engen's version of events, but I'm even MORE interested to hear reactions from his Y&R costars.

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LOL, I got up tp page 14 absd couldnt read anymore, had to post.

Lets keep it real, you really dont need to wait for the real story, he quit and right about the time that his character was about kiss a man.

I am all for an actor believing in what he believes, but he is paid to do a job, and the PTB are under no obligation to inform him of anythang story wise. But if he is so religious, why not balk at his character going after a married woman, lying and scheming, trying to frame his father for murder, no its seems the kiss is what really got to him, how convenient.

Funny his charcter was doing all these BAD IMMORAL things, and right after he got backburnered, he was on SOC still wishing he could work more on Y&R, and he got his wish. hell he even said he was glad to be back and looking forward to what they had in store for Adam.

And if he has been acting up on set, missing days of work this past month, it just may have to do where he saw the story going, Adam/Rafe. He reads the MBs and for the past two months there have been a lot of speculation about Adam/Rafe. Somethnag tells me TPTB may not have went to him, but he went to TPTB and not liked what they told him was coming up.

Bad career move IMO in this day and age in the entertainment business.

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