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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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All that talk of leaving between Heather/Adam made me worry that they might actually let them leave soon. They had to keep them after the story broke out about them getting fired in January, so maybe they were just filling up their time until their next cycle?

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Yup. We have a show that banked stories and characters for decades...just like life. Basically, it is the only show with enough of a tie to its history that it can show how seeds planted decades ago bear fruit now.

Watching the P3 deathbed scene is a perfect example. Those actors and characters are all still relevant now.

Respectfully, there could be no more nonsense written than this last sentence. We are in a declining market. Inertia=decline at the rate of daytime.

Instead, for the last year we see slight gains. That is not inertia...that is momentum.

You have (not just on SON) a largely energized and satisfied fandom. Coca Cola succeeds by NOT changing the recipe...changing the recipe earns outcry. So it is with this commercial product. To their credit, the show is not stagnant. It tweaks the formula and finds intriguing new beats.

Who would have expected Hope's son to be this way? Who would believe that Jack -- who slept with his father's wife -- would suffer the same fate at the hands of his brother?

Each week, the ratings creep just a little higher. Yup, folks, this is inertia!

I thank you here for giving us insight into your posting. You are PROJECTING your feelings onto a larger fanbase. YOU perceive inertia, therefore it must be true. :lol: The irony is, I'll bet you're not really that egocentric in your everyday life, right? I really think this is a delightful "wicked witch" character you, by your own admission, play for us. It definitely keeps things interesting.

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Why would the rich folks of Genoa city want to travel around the world? Lily will be like Sharon and skip the honeymoon and go straight for the baby to hang onto her golden boy. Won't it be fun though when he's proven to be fools gold.

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Ah, my head just hurts at the thought of these two with more airtime.

She probably will anyway. There's nothing for her except Adam. Again, it's a total "I could care less" about the character just as long as she's there to fill this story.

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WHAT THE ??????? Hopefully not! I can think of others that TPTB could get rid of that are contributing nothing to the show. <cough>Colleen<cough>

They have a potentially generational villian in Adam so why would they get rid of him now? Unless this latest turn to his "bad place" is a place of no return as far as the writers are concerned. :huh::huh:

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She's like a bad rash that won't go away.

There's no long term investing. And yes, that's a bad thing. You've got to look out for the future. They're writing for the next month or two, but everything after that is like a fog.

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Well, I don't mean to sound rude, but in the previous posts you posted numerous disquisitions on the Phyllis/Nick/Sharon triangle & more. They were as pertinent to the episodes as the current temporary topic of the thread... Yet, you often come out and complain about this weekly thread going off topic. The party isn't fun if you are not involved?

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It was an ironic crack (don't know whether you interpreted it that way or not), and as I pointed out weeks ago in these threads, I stopped caring whether or not anyone discusses the episodes or not, because this thread will always veer off topic. I don't know if you read that post or not, but I'm sure Mark remembers it.

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How you come up with these insane theories is why I badgered you in the previous weekly thread. They are so weird & out there there are no words to describe them!

It is. It is the inertia of falling, slightly interrupted by these "momentums" of yours... Like a flatly descending line occasionally interrupted by a rise or two... But you just teared your whole previous theory, which I'm sure you'll do again, when "evidence" overruns you. :)

And not changing the formula is precisely that: a constant, the inertia, which leads to a fall.

If you really must, reply. If you don't have to, it would be good to spare this thread of the stuff from the previous one.

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