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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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Wouldn't that be something.

"Colleen" conveniently had to get away from the wedding to take care of the grandma. Is this the beginning of her filming another movie? And does that mean that her BIG STORYLINE will have to take a break?

I didn't put in the spoiler tags because nobody really cares.

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MarkH, I'm responding to your comment re: CF as Mac here. Yep, I do think that for some (and I include myself) it is that superficial. I have no problem with how CF plays Mac. The original Mac was just as dreary, monotone, and tedious. In this respect, CF is the perfect Mac. I find Mac looking older than Billy to be far more off putting and I am not alone. Her nickname on TWOP is Grand Mac which says it all. Fixing her look will put Mac on the right track with lots more fans.

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From your fingertips to the stylists's ears :). I don't think it will be that simple, actually. I think she could look perfect, and there is still going to be an acceptance problem at this point.

Part of it, as you note, may be a problem with the character. If the character is dreary, monotone and tedious...there may not be a tolerance for such a character these days.

LOL, yes, I think she left to finish that movie with Michael Damian. Either that, or she'd already exhausted her guarantee, and they didn't want to pay for another episode.

She was nothing but an extra at that wedding, anyway.

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It's just ridiculous that CF looks as old as her mom but is supposed to be in age range as Billy and that lot. Is it really that hard to find some sort of makeup that covers those bags? Hell I know the character is supposed to be dreary and all that jazz, but god at this point I'd enjoy a total rewrite. The character sucks the life out of every scene she's in.

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A tad early dont you think Alvin?? :lol:;)

Btw...I've been wanting to ask you something Alvin. ^_^

Do you ever sleep?? :lol: You are here 24/7. Morning...Noon...Afternoon...Night...After Midnight...Early Morning....phew...LOL

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Seriously, I think that are trying to fug her up. They finally got it right this last week ( Thursday US) with the straight hair and outfit. I like CF as Mac, but I also think this foced Mac and Billy storyline doesn't do her any justice. It's not worked since the start, but yet we keep seeing it.

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Has the Mac bashing moved into next week's thread?

I don't see CF looks as the issue. Olivia's got that strange weave and Nina's pleasantly plump but I love 'em and I know I would be instantly hooked on any romance the show threw their way. The thing is I just don't care at all about CF"s Mac and I care even less about this so called great Billy/Mac romance. Hell, I was more invested in loony Esther & her con man because at least that provided some chuckles. I would even take another reviled actress -- Crystal Hunt on OLTL -- over CF in this role. That's how little I ask of the show. Better yet, just send the character of Mac away.

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