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I actually didn't mind him as Bobby Reno. Whatever else one can say about RKK he does the sexy charismatic blue collar thing well and his chemistry with JB was acceptable. They oversold it when they got Ryan to push them (funny in hindsight that Ghost Ryan sold him as her new soulmate but didnt know he was lying about his identity) but they actually didn't rush putting them together. They telegraphed it but then they took time to get audience there, which is rare.

So they almost got me before it went to hell with the rewrites. I still would have much preferred Bobby Reno than the tedious retcon of Vicky and Jake as a supposed supercouple

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What are you thinking was a retcon? Vicky & Jake had an absolute past as a couple & certainly were potentially a supercouple. There was nothing that was retroactively conveniently made up as a romantic background. They were a couple when they first came to town. They grew up together. In their joint past sometimes they weren't romantic & sometimes they were. Personally I didn't care for Vicky & Jake together but that doesn't mean they didn't have tons of fans. Me, I was Jake & Paulina all the way & in like fashion I was Vicky & Ryan all the way. Death interrupted that. Anyway, unless you're thinking of something I do not remember, there was no retcon between Vicky & Jake.

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Well i didn't know such details, I just said it because i thought Robert and Sandra had good chemistry back in the day, it would also be nice seeing her rivalize Vicky and somewhat gain some spotlight something that didn't happen since the early 1990's in my opinion that means RKK was kinda troublemaking then doesn't it? i read that despite his great chemistry with Lisa Rinna onscreen they Hated each other backstage

You're right they just got away from one another for obvious reasons, would you stay close to the guy who raped your twin? But despite that they were just reunited not retconed if anything the retcon was when they tried to create the Marley/Jake/Vicky triangle when Marley went nuts, no way i bought that despite the chemistry between the actors

BTW I remembered I saw Lindsay Lohan as a Kid in a clip from AW she outshined everyone in the room with her i think she was playing Amanda's child, Pity the producers and writers didn't know what they had in their hands she could've rivalized Camryn Grimes as Cassie on Y&R at the time

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Ahem. RKK with Lisa Rinna, yes, I am not surprised that that has come up also. Among other things he got Lisa into some trouble she wouldn't have had without his able assistance. Should've just said all of this in one big rush! Last, but certainly not least, and as far as I know it's last, there could have been more (horrors) but the very dear Crystal Chappell had a hell*cious time with RKK, too. I know the producers were pressing him for really HOT STUFF but he was actually rough with her & I do mean in a bad way. I don't think she ever talks about it so I hope she still loves me! Plus, he just treated her, like the other women, poorly on set, between scenes and IN SCENES!

At the same time he was courting a fellow cast member who was less than 18.

Jake's rape of Marley is one of my new favorite out to dinner stories. I always maintained that Jake would not have done it. Just found out that the HW at the time, who I love for other reasons, Donna Swajeski, maintained that there was NO WAY Jake would have raped Marley at the spectre of her divorcing him & she refused to write it. (Hooray!) However, they kept at her until they did 2 things, they forced her to write it & she quit!

Yes, she was Ally Fowler #3, at least I think it's 3, at any rate she was AMAZING. I wish she'd been able to stay in a family like atmosphere like AW & gotten mentored & not gone through so much angst with family not at their best. She just got married & I posted her announcement. If I recall correctly she was a redhead naturally, so that would make her Ally to Laura Moss's Amanda. We had the blonde pair, then the brunette pair with Christine Tucci & then the redhead pair before they brought Sandy back & had an older Ally but blonde again.

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I completely agree that it made no sense for Vicky to get back together with Jake after he raped Marley. I try to justify it by telling myself neither Jake nor Vicky were saints by any means when they came to Bay City. They moved past their misdeeds and accepted each other for who they were. I did like Tom and Jensen together. 

I never thought Paulina should have been paired with Joe. I hated that pairing. Paulina was so much more fun when she was with Jake. 

Ryan should never have left (but it was PMV's choice). That said, Vicky could have been paired with someone new (Shane?), gone back to Grant against everyone's wishes as Vicky never concerned herself with the opinion of others, or even recast Jamie specifically for a pairing with Jensen. Jamie was a character that should have been around during the end of the show's run. 

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Well, it was Paul Michael Valley's choice but he made it because he was furious with JFP for firing Chris Tucci on JFP's first day at AW. Tucci & PMV were an item then. I wholeheartedly agree about Paulina. Jake all the way! I'd go over that cliff with them again tomorrow! Vicky & Shane, okay. Vicky & Grant very okay. And, I've mentioned him but what about Evan? I still think Vicky & Amanda could have squared off over Evan. And, Jamie is never a bad idea. The thing about Tommy is that he was a good friend, a good scene partner & full of chemistry with all those dames! But, Tommy was more successful with the ladies than Jake was!

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I think the character of Jake should have been written off and the story should have been "Who killed Jake?" I was never one to enjoy rapists as romantic leads. I know it was common on soaps, but I thought Marley's rape was unnecessary (as most soap rapes are) and highlights the woman hating that goes on in soaps. There was no follow through, and it added nothing to the story. It was just another example of something writers or execs come up with when they don't know what to do with a character (Lorna would get the same treatment later on). 

I also liked Cali Timmins's Paulina and I'm the kind of soap viewers who holds grudges so I never really warmed to Judi Evans as Paulina. 

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I have always maintained that it was simply not credible that Jake would rape Marley when she told him she wanted a divorce, or at all under any circumstances!  I found out just this year that the HW at the time Donna Swajeski agreed! She refused to write the story. NBC was once again so hot to trot with violence against women, where they actually believed that violence against women was good for ratings, insisted that the story would be told. Eventually 2 things happened. They made Swajeski write the da*ned story & Swajeski quit.

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Yes, I remember reading it, too. And, it would have been likely that it was JFP's decision. But, maybe it wasn't her first day. So far as I can see in a very quick look JFP was hired in May 1995 & C.Tucci's last day was Jul 5, 1995.

Edited by Tonksadora
I have it in notes that JFP fired people on a first day. That's all I have time to look for at the moment.
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I asked Michele DeVito and she doesn't remember JFP firing anyone on her first day. Michele was there in the studio has a great memory. I am choosing to believe someone who was there in the studio over someone who wasn't. I guess it's not really important in the grand scheme of things. 

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I've always believed that the character of "Paulina" should have been the return of Nancy McGowan.  This would have been a good nod to history-Nancy not liking Vicky and Nancy having a crush on Jake.  Paulina was an unnecessary character, and the storylines that did play out could have been done with the character of Nancy.

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Apart from gossip & apart from his intensity & talent & that his day job is being a aircraft mechanic, he is just a very good looking man & he always has been. Elsewhere this morning a picture of him was posted, shirtless, black jeans & it could have been new, old, Bobby Reno or Stavros Cassadine, etc. Just not something that could be told & we happened upon his finding this signature look of his when DOOL gave him a makeover to play Bo#2. Cut his hair short, added mustache & beard, groomed closely, Voila! It's hard to remember how much hair he had when he played Sam.

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