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Replying to myself not because I have found the answer but it is very difficult and disappointing to try to google for information about a song titled "When". I thought if I could find the dancing scene I might figure out other avenues to research. I remembered there was a scene where Catlin and Sally danced on a terrace in Mallorca and I hoped that that would be it -- but it turns out that wasn't it, the music for that dance was Two Lovers by Julio Iglesias. If it wasn't then, I think it must have been the first dance at their wedding (the bigamous one with MPK, not the legal one to Taylor Miller before Sally died) which I have not been able to find. I have seen a clip of their vows, but not the reception.


I think I find this especially maddening because I don't have any trouble finding other contemporaneous themes from the same time -- "Friends and Lovers" for Kim and Shane on Days of Our Lives gives results just on the title and I didn't even remember what Kelly Capwell and Joe Perkins had as their theme but I searched their names and easily came up with "If Ever You're In My Arms Again". That said, I know that Catlin and Sally were not at the same level of fame, and if the song itself was not otherwise a hit then why would there be any reference to it on the internet after so much time?


Any suggestions for how else to tackle this appreciated.


On another topic, I did learn something new in my hopeless searching: apparently Taylor Miller appeared in a movie Thomas Ian Griffith wrote and starred in, Excessive Force.

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"...below is a list of the seven best couples that came out of Another World."


I always have to roll my eyes at lists like this, which purport to announce "the best" of any TV series, when the authors are clearly not old enough to have witnessed or been able to assess the majority of the show's run. It would be better to write, "Here are the seven couples whom I personally liked best on AW from the time that I watched it."


A definitive list of Best Couples which omits Alice Matthews and Steven Frame, among others, is hard to take seriously. That would be like listing the best couples of GH and choosing Sonny and Carly to make the cut, but ignoring Luke and Laura, LOL. (Not that I could ever stand Luke, but there's no denying the impact L&L had on that soap.) 









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Every single one of these couples starts in 1985 or later. It's ridiculous. ETA: Whoops, not quite true,  they included Rachel and Mac who obviously go back to the 70s.

Edited by Xanthe
Stupid mistake.
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My favorite AW couple will always be Cass and Kathleen.  Ues, young me crushed on Kathleen but it was a good blend of humor, drama and adventure. The dynamic between All the them, Felicia, Cecile and Wallingford were a hoot.   


Reginald Love gets overlooked as a villain, he should've been their Victor Newman/Alan Spaulding type villain. Their was more mileage to get out of him, especially with his family on canvas.  

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Those lists are always subjective and the fact that Rachel is in the top two couples, as well as Jake in 3 and 4, make no sense. Either Mac and Rachel were the best Rachel pairing or Carl and Rachel. Personally, I can't accept both being a best couple. Same for Jake.

I will never get behind Carl and Rachel. He terrorized and tried to kill Rachel and Mac several times. How can Rachel ever (suddenly) forgive him? I don't buy it.

Jake and Marley were amazing in the beginning until they married and TE and EW left together as a couple. They were ruined after that. Once Marley was raped just to have EW later return with mental instability because of it, in my opinion, can never make Jake and Marley a "best couple". 

Jake and Vicky were a fave of mine. I do find it tough to believe she'd forgive him totally for Marley's rape but they were best friends as kids and knew each other for years. It would make sense that they had a sense of trust in each other. Vicky's best pairing though? No. That was Ryan and Vicky, imo. I'd put them above Jake and Vicky.


But like others said: No Steve and Alice? Sally and Catlin? Sandy and Blaine? Gary and Josie? 

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I lost all confidence in lists like this when the one came out that listed Santa Barbara as the best soap of all time

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There are a handful of episodes and clips from the 60s and early 70s posted, but 1979 is the year where there are more than a handful posted.

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John Considine was a pretty strong actor who should've returned to the show at some point and keep the Love family prominent.  Reggie meddling in his family's affairs is classic soap and writes itself.

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I think Considine was a good actor but everything about Reginald  felt so one-note to me, and his family dynamics were never written well because they were all under his thumb. The whole story seemed like another attempt at making AW similar to DAYS, like a Stefano type portrayal.


I also loved Cass and Kathleen. I don't think Cass ever had such a good and rounded pairing again, even though I did like Cass and Lila.

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Not to make it a competition, but upon reflection, I preferred Cass with Frankie.  Kathleen was always a bit of a damsel in distress, going blind, being wheelchair bound, kidnapped etc, which creates routing value, but is not the type of heroine that I enjoy.  Whereas Frankie challenged Cass and felt more like an equal because she rescued Cass as often he aided her.


As far as Reginald, although death is never final on a soap, we watched him fall off of a roof, Vicky inherited his wealth, and he had already faked his death, so there's not much left for the character.  On the other hand, it would have been nice to see Michael become a bit more of a moral compass for his family, rather than returning for another child whose mother hid his existence from him (I mean when two different woman do it, you have to start some self-reflection on why nobody wanted you to be a father to their babies).

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