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No, you're not looking for it wrong.


Unless they were posted and the uploader set them as "unlisted", there are no complete playlists from May to December 1990 uploaded to YT. There are a handful of episodes and clips uploaded though (Ryan's introduction, Cass and Frankie's first wedding, Jake's shooting). 

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Ok - thanks for letting me know! At least I know it’s not my inability to find them. I did see those random episodes and made a list. So I’ll watch those and then just be happy to be able to see most of ‘91 and ‘92 it its entirety. 

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Right now for some unexplained reason, I am watching AW in 1981.  I don't think my original viewing happened until about 1983-84.  Which by then was a far different show than what I am watching now.  What a difference a few years makes.  The pace is slower.  Cecile, played by Susan Keith is conniving, but not over the top.  She has a career.  When I started she was going after Peter Love, just for the money....  Ray Liotta is on a god bit.  We have Peter Brady, I know, Christopher Knight.  Blaine is also just going for the pot of Gold.  There are the brother and sister who come from money,  but I think their time is coming to a close.  Mac and Rachel are in full storyline at the mansion and the Complex, which I don't remember being a term when I started watching.  Liz actually works and is not just a busy body.  There is a charm in this period.  Although I am partial to seeing Donna and Vicky...Cass...Felicia...

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There is a tremendous difference between 1981-82 and 1983-84.  Part of the difference was the switch in producers from Paul Rauch to Allen Potter.  By 1981-82, Rauch was beginning to outstay his welcome after making AW a success in the 70s.  In Spring 1983, Potter was transferred from GL to AW.  Potter was AW's original producer in 1964.  I think he greatly improved the show, and it was very watchable during his tenure in 1983-84.  I wish he hadn't retired at the end of 1984.  In 1985, AW would again lose its way under producer Stephen Schenckel, and we were back to 1981-82 all over again in terms of storylines.

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Are the titles of the books on the shelf meaningful? I couldn't make them out but their presentation looked like some kind of dramatic irony.

Why would Louise be sneaking around like that? Is she a spy for Iris?

The contrast of Steve's calm demeanor with Alice's trembling emotion along with a lot of the dialogue gave me the unpleasant feeling that if only silly girlish Alice hadn't made so many foolish mistakes everything would have been fine. Steve appears to admit to no errors.

Forgot to mention how nice it was to see Ada talking to Alice. The only drawback was that because I didn't know the context when I started watching I couldn't be sure why Alice was upset and what Ada knew.

Edited by Xanthe
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Does anyone know where there's a Youtube video clip showing this group (Felicia & Wally) flying downhill in a truck, where Felicia's eyes are wide open & Wally's scarf is flying out with them .

Edited by Donna B
Misspelling of scarf & open; add Felicia & Wally's names
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I think he knew and he just didn't like that she, George Reinholt and Virginia Dwyer weren't going to adhere to his style, and because of that and because the show had been doing so well in the ratings at the time, he was able to get rid of them. He was very lucky that he was a talented writer and he had the talents of Victoria Wyndham, Doug Watson, Beverlee McKinsey, etc. to work with, otherwise the damage that he did would have been even greater. They were definitely his pets but they were great actors.


We, as viewers are also very lucky that Lemay liked Connie Ford, Beverly Penberthy and Susan Sullivan, otherwise he probably would have tried to get rid of them too.


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Courtney was good in 1984-85, TPTB just didn't give her a lot to do.  Her best material was right before she left the show in 1985 when she was Rachel's doctor after she was shot and had amnesia.  Rachel wanted nothing to do with Mac when she had amnesia, even moving out of the Cory mansion.  TPTB should have revisited the Mac/Alice relationship at this time with an Alice/Mac/Rachel triangle.  Instead, they wrote Courtney off the show.  TPTB missed a tremendous opportunity.

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