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Another World

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I don't believe Eugene was ever seen onscreen. When Marley was searching for Michael, she got the name Michael Garrison from Donna's diary and hired Catlin/Larry to search for him. Catlin traced the Garrisons to Barnesville, Massachusetts, which is where Marley met Ellie and Great-aunt Bertha who had no idea where Michael was -- but it turned out that his company New Resources was somehow ruining the town. Marley wrote a letter of complaint to New Resources and when he saw the name Love and location Bay City he decided to come to Bay City in person. Interestingly, Marley's street address on the letter was 986 Edna Dr, which I guess was the place she was living with Dee at the time and not the Love Mansion.


I don't recognize the names Joe or Margaret, but depending on when they were mentioned they might have been ignored by other writers. By the time the storyline of John-lost-in-Vietnam was created, for example, John and Michael's mother was Clara. The brother Eugene was never mentioned again. And in early 1985, Donna's father's name was given as Brandon instead of Reginald.

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Whatever happened to Brian Bancroft? It seems like he was such an integral supporting character for so long and then it seems like he just disappeared sometime in 1985, with not even a “so long” scene.


I wonder how long Brian and Iris would have lasted if Bev wasn’t headed off to Texas and Paul Stevens staying on Another World. I haven’t been able to see much of those two, but I got the impression that Brian’s paternalism (reasonably fair for the time and I thought Stevens made it endearing rather than infuriating) mixed with Iris’s daddy issues actually made them a surprisingly reasonably functional relationship.

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Brian managed to avoid the axe while just about  everybody else ,sans Mac, Rachel and Ada were dropped in the late 70s, early 80's.

He only married Iris and then was 'arm candy' for a few others - Elena, Donna, Pat-nothing too serious.

The decision to bring back his son Ted gave him a bit more longevity...

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