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The show did a terrible job with Stacey during Hilary Edson's stint. By the end I despised her, which is a real feat, as Hilary was one of my favorite actresses on GL. Her behavior during the custody trial was shameful and her relationship with Michael was dull beyond belief. I remember Vicky  following her around town dogging her and humiliating her, and sad to say it was more than deserved. It was the least she deserved, really. 


I remember there was some magazine claim that JFP was going to bring her back (the character - I don't know about an actress).

Edited by DRW50
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Lin Bolen the NBC executive who made NBC Daytime #1 in the 1970s, expanded AW and DAYS to one hour, and introduced Wheel of Fortune has passed away.  She was truly a program innovator who was willing to take risks.   Had she stayed at NBC, I wonder if the daytime schedule would have collapsed in the late 70s- early 80s?!?



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I was reading today's AW recap from 1981 on tumblr and it occurred to me that Clarice Hobson had an entire family for two years.  Two brothers, Denny and Leigh as well as her father Charley.  I clearly remember Leigh because he was played Chris Knight from the Brady Bunch and that was a huge deal to me as a child. 


However, in re-reading the family's history two thoughts come to mind.  First, Denny seems almost like a re-cast for Leigh.  Leigh came on as a bit of a schemer, was coupled with Sally but, was basically a good guy and left town. Whereas, Denny came on a schemer, was coupled with Sally, and then turned out to be a more interesting bad guy (mostly due to the actor James Horan).  Second, I know each writer wants to create their own history but, it would have been interesting if the Hudson's were really Hobson's but the Hobsons flee Bay City just like the Halloways.  Micheal and John never seemed to have historical ties to Bay City, despite living there through high school.  Having familial ties to Clarice would have been a nice touch. 

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I think Charlie Fred/Charlie was fired as the show was going through another revamp and having Ada married didn't serve the story. She functioned just as well on her own and shows were going 'youthful' at the time.


Ada was Bay City's black widow- having Ernie, Gil and Charlie all die while wed to her.

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I remember way back on the old WOST website it was discussed that Charlie's entire death story was almost entirely lifted from Gil's death right down to the dialogue, and that SOD published a complaint from one viewer and their mother that the story was poor and was "just another dead husband for Ada". 


The most perplexing attempt for a historical tie-in was saying that Joe Carlino was Nancy McGowan's high school sweetheart. Just utterly bizarre. 

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