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I remember Justin Chambers on AW and he had little acting ability at the time. Don't watch Grey's so I can't say if he's improved or not...but throwing him into AW he didn't work well. (Opposite Anne Heche as his sister at the time)

I love Bellamy Young. Hard to believe she was on AW. tongue.png

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Was it Jensen? Sorry. I guess I was thinking he was on earlier but yeah, that makes sense. Nick was with Sofia and that was much later. Getting old I guess...memory is going. tongue.png

Kevin was actually better.....but not much...

Edited by Melroser
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Cecile is probably a top three fave character of mine but I could never stand Maggie. I hated the story of trying to make Cass think that she was his daughter. The character was poorly written all around.

Tho Robyn Griggs probably looked the most like Cecile and Sandy (NF and CR) I found Lisa Brenner (sp?) to be best in the role. I wish they could have used her better to tie in Cecile. She should have been the snotty Cecile type that was always trying to out-do Rachel and Donna's kids.

Tying Maggie in with Sharlene/Tomas never made sense to me. I could never picture a daughter of Cecile's in with that crowd. I was never a fan of the whole Nick/Sofia/Tomas/Maggie quad either. I guess the show was trying to go for the "younger crowd" with this quad but I found them all boring.

Edited by Melroser
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I liked Robyn & Lisa as Maggie. Both did bitch well. Wasnt Feeling Jodi at all and I think its best she left for Nash Bridges. She was also 17 at the time and too young for Maggie who was I believe 21 then

Edited by John
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I liked when Maggie first came in and Rachel tried to be a parental figure...it was comical seeing Rachel try to parent someone that was rough around the edges as she had been in her youth. It seemed like there was a writer change cause that was dropped fairly quickly.

Maggie was best when written as an anti heroine like when she first started... much more then as a heroine (when she was involved with Tomas.. and they had that brief Tomas/brandy/Maggie triangle).

I think when JFP came in, characters changed personalities.... Paulina went from.fiesty and headstrong to some weepy pill addict that was subserviant to Joe.....Vicki went from hot head to a Marley clone...Maggie went from anti heroine to heroine to full on scheming witch... and I don't get how the cass is Maggie's father story got green lit. Wasn't Maggie conceived before Cass joined the show? Or was it after?

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AW did seem to declaw their vixens and make them heroines in the show's final four years, which I didn't favor.

I agree because I hated whiny Paulina. But I always felt that they declawed her just so they could have a ready made damsel and drip, who the audience loved, to stick with Joe. Joe was just a disgusting, self-rightous pig. I hate that Jake lost Paulina to him.

Same with Vicky becoming Marley. I feel like she lost her fire when Ryan died. And I didn't care too much for them later pairing her with Jake--the same man who raped her twin. Yes, I was fine with them being friends b/c of their history, but Vicky would've never married someone who hurt Marley like Jake did.

And I think that Maggie was before Cass came on. Or at least around the time he arrived. Was he and Cecile even in the same orbit then? That was some stupid sh*t Margaret DePriest penned. IDK why she didn't bring Cecile to simply seduce Cass. She didn't need Maggie to do so. Cecile's wiles alone could've wooed Cass from Frankie. Or at least almost.

I didn't care for Cecile trying to have Maggie abducted to get her trust fund. Or was it Maggie faking her adduction to get her trust? Whatever it was, it was stupid. And then for her to run off with her abductor, Rafe. rolleyes.gif

Compared to what's on nowadays, it was good but I still roll my eyes and grin and bear it while watching anything from 96-99.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Cecile had Maggie kidnapped. Maggie realized what was going on and got Rafe to work with her and they'd split the money.

You could tell a lot of that stuff was just JFP's own personal interest because as soon as she was gone, so were Maggie and Rafe, and Nick was almost immediately recast (and in the end it worked, even if Mark Mortimer wasn't much of an actor).

Eddie Drueding's list of complaints about her AW, like talking about characters such as Rachel losing their drive, was very accurate. One of the reasons I defended Culliton's brief tenure is that the characters, for a short while anyway, seemed like themselves again.

The retcon was that Cecile and Cass had had sex before he arrived in Bay City. None of the story went anywhere and I guess the show threw in the towel, as Cecile told him when she left town that this was all a lie.

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See that's stupid and pisses me off. That's why I get so frustrated with these 'writers' getting paid thousands only to half-ass do their jobs. All they have to do is a little research and they'd know so much. I'll let little blips of revised history go unnoticed but something big like that ... Just no.

Only thing I truly enjoyed from the JFP era was Josie/Gary & Lorna/Gabe. But again, she declawed them in the process to fit her 'manly' male counterparts, who all happened to be somewhat similar in personality ... with Joe being the worst and Gabe and Gary being lite in comparison.

Oh I wasn't bothered by the Felicia/John affair as many were. I thought it was good because it did cause tension amongst Felicia and all her friends.

Plus, Jill gave me Chris Madison, who I loved. I liked his friendship with Jake & relationship with Toni and the Burrells.

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The saddest part is DePriest had been around for a fair amount of that era. I think she was supposedly one of the people who wanted to kill Frankie (when they had to kill off a vet to free up salary), to take Cass back to his playboy days. I didn't care for Cass/Frankie, I thought their relationship was depressing, but Cass wasn't that man anymore, and if you wanted to take him back there, that was the absolute worst way to do it. Poor Stephen Schnetzer barely hung on after that point (there were rumors that he would have been fired in 1997 with the other vet purge if Linda Dano hadn't stepped in). It's a miracle that he had a lot to do again after that, thanks to Culliton.

Edited by DRW50
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Oh hell no! I'm glad they didn't kill my Cass. And I'm glad [if true] that Linda stepped in and saved Stephen from being axed. One thing I loved about Another World is that this cast truly loved each other and went to bat for each other. You could see it in their body language on and offscreen.

The vets and their characters were the only thing that kept me watching AW in its final years. Much like ATWT.

All this talk about AW makes me miss the citizens of Bay City and their hybrid family. No one did friendship like AW.

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