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Another World

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IIRC, Susan Hunter (then played by a different actress) left town after marrying Eric Peters, who she THOUGHT was her rapist, but turned out it was consensual and she just forgot. (Or something like that. Reading it in the history books, it seemed a bit like a ret-con.)

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As AW's most fav fan, The show was prob at its worst point. No different than DOOL of GH all doing the same stupid stories but AW was all about drama and families. I realize that has changed long before 99 but the show could not grasp on what other soaps were doing

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NOT me. Not a real big Denise Alexander fan. Really goofy and she should have stuck with her GH stuff. She worked well with that and she eventually came back. She had end star billing on AW and frankly I thought her role sucked. Kind of like of a remake Frame or Matthew mama that did not work

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"classicdaysof80s" has posted some great 86-87 AW episodes, such as these:



*After reading the synopses on the AWHP, I think that these two episodes aired around 5/15/87.

*For those who care, Brad Pitt makes an appearance at around the 21 minute mark.

*There are some really tense scenes involving Donna and the Hudson Brothers. A dark secret between Donna and John causes major tension.

*It's too bad that Reginald wasn't on the show longer. While I usually don't like campy characters, I always thought that AW did a better job with such over-the-top characters than any other soap. (For one thing, AW's OTT characters were usually portrayed by really good actors. Also, AW often involved the likes of Cass and Felicia in many realistic storylines.)

*M.J. was a boring character, but I enjoyed Adam.

*The Sin Stalker attacks Felicia.

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Happy 50th Anniversary Another World. On May 4, 1964, Another World premiered on NBC. Another World was created by Irna Phillips and Bill Bell and broadcast from 3:00-3:30 On NBC. Original cast members were, from the Matthews family: Liz, Bill, Susan, Jim, Mary, Pat, Alice, Russ, Janet, Granny; Missy Palmer, and Ken and Tom Baxter. In the early years of the show, announcer Bill Wolff would begin each episode with the following epigram- "We do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand other worlds. And now the continuing story of Another World."

All this month, let's celebrate by posting our most memorable moments of Another World!

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