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Y&R: Week of April 27, 2009

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Oh speculating on people's motives is my fav topic! I don't know that Patty got over Jack (Khan says yes, MarH says no). Colleen is a stretch but again, crazy women, crazy motives. I'll prolly end up wrong, but the mystery of what's around the corner is what keeps me invested.

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So, I was wrong about Patty's history? Hey. No harm, no foul. :D

Well, I wouldn't say she "got over" Jack cheating on her w/ Diane and inadvertently causing her miscarriage. That would be like saying OLTL's Marty Saybrooke "got over" being gang-raped (don't start, people, lol!). I just feel that 25+ years is a long time, not for feeling the pain of losing one's dream of a husband and family, but for letting the agony and resentment stew to the point of seeking revenge against the one responsible. If Patty wanted to hurt Jack for everything he cost her, don't you think she would've attempted what she might be doing long before now? If I were Patty, at least, I wouldn't necessarily wait all these years for someone like Victor Newman to give me an opportunity; I'd go after Jack A-SAP.

OTOH, to say Mary Jane is actually Mari Jo...well, that just makes Jack look like the biggest dolt of all time.

Is it possible - just possible - that Mary Jane could be the (presumably) late Cassandra Rawlins?

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OH!!!! How I'd love for them to revisit the wonderful (but overly long)Cassandra Rawlins tale. I sware the woman who played her was the most gorgeous woman ever on soaps. I don't remember Jack being in on it though. And CR wasn't crazy. i tell ya - i went through all the wackos - Tricia was in my list! - and the only one that fits is Patty.

i guess what is perplexing to me is that usually soapers like it when shows use history. Patty, to me, has a legitimate axe to grind. She's a late bloomer, and it's terribly sad that this woman has been lying in wait for 25+ years but people can and do hold onto pain, especially sick people. From what I hear, again I never even saw this whole Patty thing, it was one of Bell's best stories. They just revisited Kay/Marge which was 20 years ago too. Bringing back classic storylines and moving them to the the present is fun to me, if done right. and there's nothing about this s/l SO FAR - that has been done wrong.

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Wow, that would be like Marty (OLTL) admitting to John that Todd, her rapist, was a better lover. IOW, it'd be twisted as hell.

What do we know so far about Ashley's gaslighting? What clues, if any, do we have? I haven't watched all of this story, so I don't know.

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It doesn't have to be about that, really. The important thing to keep in mind is that


Also, don't presume MJ's inherent mental instability has anything to do with past wrongs. I mean, if you think she's Patty, don't think she's acting off-balance b/c of what Jack did to Patty all those years to go; and conversely, don't think MJ isn't Cassandra (or whoever), b/c Cassandra wasn't crazy. You could be leading yourself down a dead end. I say this, as someone who did not recognize Clint Radisson in the most recent Kay/Marge story.

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Jack and Patty's history is clearly different. Jack was horrible to Patty and Patty reacted horribly to him. But i don't think it's the equivalent of gang-raping her. My main reason for saying maybe Jack falls in love with Patty this time is to keep SH on the show!! LOL! I love her and want her around for a long time. But come to think of it, i wouldn't mind if she found some male on the show that makes her feel safe and they could grow into a relationship - Neil comes to mind.

Ashley Gaslighting - well...its a bit more murky. i can't really explain why I think it's Colleen and/or Adam, i just do. Adam can't leave that house, and he damn sure can't go shopping. I think it's a female cause they used Ash's credit card and the culpirt planted the receipt with a photo of Sabrina. Colleen has maybe been to the Newman Rach like, never. and she's been there several times since Brad died. Victor and JT have questioned her why she's there (at Adam's party). She stuck up for Adam about the book. We know the actress is going to film a movie, and there's this big story in the works for her. Coupled with Victor using MJ and we know Jack's using Colleen - there just seem to be threads there that could be something in the future. Estella is too obvious. And like it or not, they're making Adam go dark, way dark.

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Well, the only other theory I have is that Ashley's doing this to herself (and perhaps, doesn't consciously know it) -- and I know no one wants to see that, lol!

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Oh goodness, I don't even know who Cindy Lake is!!! LOL! For all we know maybe it's Veronica, Leanna Love, Sugar!! LOL! It's just so fun speculating, ain't it?

MJ has only shown hints of her instability with Jack. The baby-complex thing is an important clue too that also doesn't fit with any of the mentioned suspects (tho I can't say anything about Cindy Lake cause I still have no clue who she is!) If this was AMC it could be any of the crazy women because they all have baby-complexes.

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