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Glee: Discusion Thread


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Boo, Boyle. I agree, despite the high price per episode, it'll squeak by four seasons. I don't think the tween audience will really peak with it till mid/late next year honestly, especially with the cheezetastic tour doing so well, etc.

All My Shadows--I do agree and while I watch it regularly, I'm aware of its flaws and basically stay out of the myriad of facebook YAY Glee posts I get so not to make ennemeies of my friends. :P That said--there's nothing wrong with a show being something of a (large cult) phenoimenon and riding that wave out--i think the idea that for a show to be good it should last 5+ years is vastly outdated and just not a reality anymore, especially for theyounger generations.

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What happened to this show since the mid season? There used to be more balance but now it is all Finn and Rachel, like they are some great love story. The episode Laryngitis actually physically pained me to watch live and took me three tries online to complete my viewing. Kurt and his dad should have been fine after the single ladies episode Preggers, I didn't need a rehash. Give these characters some new storylines.

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It's too bad Kurt seems to fit into the Ryan Murphy set of stereotypes for gay male characters (unpleasant, pathetic, destructive, predatory), but I love Mike O'Malley. He was very underrated on Yes, Dear. I've heard people say, "Wow, he can act, I never knew," but he's always been good. At least here he's getting a chance to show it.

Edited by CarlD2
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Kurt being so extreme doesn't really bug me--we seem to have enough "masculine" gay guys on TV (well not enough, but a fair amount) that one so flamboyant doesn't bug me. I do agree though that he can be a bit nasty, though I think the actor tries his best to underplay this--but that's a Ryan Murphy problem in general. I hated that we got a rehash of him and his dad a couple of episodes back, but this one at least showed his dad past that. That said, despite saying "faggy", both me and my friend felt that Finn had every right to be upset--he was suddenly forced to move, with NO warning, into the same room with the kid he goes to school with and has alwasy been nice to, who constantly is practically coming on to him--so zero privacy--while dealing with his mom finding a new man on top of it. Any teenager in that situation would blow up... At least Kurt isn' tcompletely unsympathetic, nor is he asexual I guyess as most feminine gays like him woul dbe in the past. Still, I get what you're saying.

Anyway, I DID, surprisingly, really like the Poker Face duet and even found it touching even if this mother plot has happened way too quickly (after half an episode Idina Menzel's character already decides she doesn't want in her life?).

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I've heard a lot of fans say that Finn was justified in his reaction. That's part of the problem with choosing that scene to have a character called out for using a homophobic slur. The point becomes diluted and a lot of viewers may be likely to feel it's unfair for Finn to be criticized while Kurt gets away with his behavior. They may see this as being some type of PC hypocrisy or see Finn as being mistreated, and any point the show was making, if they were making one, goes out the window. If the hostility towards GLBT people that made up most of Nip/Tuck is any indication of Murphy's work, then I guess they may not have wanted to make too strong a point anyway. They may want us to feel sorry for Kurt but in the end I think they would always rather we side with the straight character, especially a popular young male lead like Finn.

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To be kinda fair, Murphy showed hostility towards EVERYONE in Nip/YuckTuck. But, it's true because of the lack of GLBT characters shown, and the shock value he often used them for (rapists without penises, I'm not sure if that counts, but things like that), it did especially stand out. (His mess of a movie adaptation of Running with Scissors also could be used as an example here, though the original "memoirs" have a lot of that anyway).

I do think that Kurt is meant to be seen as strong and sympathetic (and, some of this episode aside, he hasn't been shown as mean spirited like he was in some early episodes), and I doubt there was a *conscious* intention to make him look bad and Finn not. But yes, I agree with a lot of what you're saying. All this stuff, frankly, stinks of the problems Murphy has as a writer (along with the problems mentioned like repeated plots, character inconsistencies, dropped stories, etc). I would welcome his "co creators" having more of a say, if only to see if someone else can sort this out--Murphy tends to just get worse and worse, so...

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I felt bad for Finn, not Kurt. But i find Kurt creepy in his finn love.

I mean, honestly, im bisexual and even I would be freaked out by sharing a room with Kurt if i were in Finns place. Kurt is kind of obsessed with him. Finn has always been rather nice and polite about it, acting oblvious because maybe he was. But if you think about it.. what if the gender roles were flipped around. What if Finn was a girl who was forced into this situation with a guy from school that obviously wanted to [!@#$%^&*] her?

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How is Kurt's dads house bigger if he and Finn have to share a room, and the basement room at that?

To me the scene would have had more impact if they weren't forcing Finn to move in and he just came over for a visit and started behaving that way.

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