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Glee: Discusion Thread


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Episode 1.14: "Hell-O"

Puck: I’m not breaking up with you I’m just saying, please stop super-sizing because I don’t dig on fat chicks.

Sue (cutting off someone’s pony-tail): There. You no longer confuse me with your she-male looks. I’m going to donate this to the victims of Hurricane Katrina – they can use it to plug the holes in their trailers.

Sue: I won’t be burying any hatchets, William, unless I happen to get a clear shot at your groin.

Britney: Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks.

Santana: Finn didn’t fall for any of our tricks.

Sue: Such as.

Brittany: I didn’t wear a bra and I had them turn on the air conditioning.

Sue: Ladies, I miss judged you. You may be two of the stupidest teens I ever encountered. And that’s saying something – I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin.

Santana: Brit and I told everyone in Glee Club about Jesse St.James – they’re furious.

Brittany: If Rachel falls for him, the club will self-destruct.

Sue: Outstanding. On to step two: round up a bunch of mustache sporting teenage girls with glandular conditions. Anything else?

Brittany: Sometimes I forget my middle name.

Lauren: I know how torn you must be, Berry. My freshman year I fell for a boy on an

opposing wrestling squad but my team wouldn’t go for it. So the next time I stepped on the mat I pinned him so hard it ruptured his scrotum, ending his run for the state championship and my run for this heart. To my team I was a legend but I relished this victory in solitude. Now I spend my Friday night with my cat and watching Ghost Whisperer.

He has a great voice and he sings very well with Lea.

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Episode 1.15: "The Power of Madonna"

Pamphlets: “Help! I’m In Love with my Stepdad!” & “I still breastfeed….but how old IS too old?” :lol:

Sue: Oh, hey William, I thought I smelled cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves who live in your hair.

Brittany: When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist.

Santana: Look Finn, it’s high time you lost the big V. Everything about you screams virgin. You’re about as sexy as a cabbage patch kid. It’s exhausting to look at you.

Finn: Well, I appreciate the offer but I have feelings for someone else and I’m trying to work things out with them.

Santana: Who? Rachel? She’s dating that Jessie kid from Vocal Adrenaline.

Finn: No she’s not.

Santana: Please. You can smell it on her. She’s like a cat in heat. She talked about him yesterday and practically sprayed the choir room.

Sue: Oh hey there, Whoopie, Don Knotts.

Finn: I thought I’d feel different after.

Santana: Yeah….I noticed that I takes about 20 or so times before the feeling of accomplishment really kicks in.

Brittany: Mr. Shu, is he your son?

Britanny and Santana are quickly becoming my favorites, along with Sue of course.

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Here and there.

For me, the show has not been as intriguing since it has returned from hiatus. I think this is because they wrapped up the serial storylines about the wife, the fake pregnancy, Will and the guidance counselor, and now there's no CONFLICT.

Even the inital drama between the club and the Cheerios is downplayed. Sylvester has no reason to hate on them now.

Also, some of the joy is gone. It seems to be about the performances now. I loved the Madonna episode, but hope this is not the new direction of the show. I would like to go back to how I felt when watching the episode where Kurt joins the football team and they do Single Ladies. I agree some of the "fixing" the show may already need lies with developing the supporting players and providing the long-term stories like "the road to sectionals." Does anyone even care about regionals on this show?

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It's true, the show has been less intriguing since it returned for the other half of the season.

I wonder if they'll just completely drop Jessalyn Gilsig. She only had one appearance since winter. It's a shame since she does know how to act; she just got stuck in quite a bad role. Meanwhile, Jayma Mays is just great.

I don't hate Lea Michele as much as some fans do; I actually like her the way she is. I'm having a little trouble liking Finn though. Quinn, Santana and Brittany are all great, and Sue is always fun - I just hope they don't overdo her character. And yes, Jonathan Groff needs to cut his hair.

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I thought this Joss Whedon directed episode was, surprisingly, the weakest since last Fall. The Neil Patrick Harris story was way too similar to past ones we've had, the Rachel's mom story was interesting but oddly was the least featured one--it was basically the C story when it shoulda been the A. We've already seen stuff with Artie (who comes off as needlessly mean to his girlfriend over and over to me) wanting to dance and being sad he's in a chair, it was shamaltzy and disappointing.

I don't watch the show for the stories--they're repetitive and, true to Ryan Murphy's past tv writing (especially Nip/Tuck) the characters change personalities at the drop of a hat just to allow whatever new plot is happening that week. I do watch for the songs, and for the fun I still get out of the show, despite my concerns, and eye rolling. That said, I actually think this Spring "season" has been better overall than the Fall, if less surprising.

This New Yorker review is IMHO pretty spot on, though she may like it a bit more than I do (and I think the production numbers often are, considering the time they have, better staged than she does)--but I agree about the often odd changes in tone, etc, and about why it's still a fun watch, nevertheless.


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Glee is a cute, fun new show. End of story.

Its not groundbreaking, its not amazing, its not well written or all that well acted/sung.

But its catchy, it uses pop culture, and it caught on.

That said... wow, the cracks are so obvious so early. I knew it woudlnt be good for long after watching other Ryan Murphy shows, but i expected a solid season.

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No, i dont think so.

People dont expect greatness. It has a tween/teen appeal, the cast is buzzworthy, the songs sell well on ituned, the ratings are rather steady (as far as i know). If it can keep it up it will do fine for a few season.

That said, i do expect season 2 to be on the level of popular season 2/nip tuck season 4. and thats pretty bad.

I mean, so many plot holes already.... Where is Quinn living? Is she keeping her baby or still thinking about adoption? The random swapping of couples is already tired. The supporting players are like walking stereotypes with little no depth. Sue is slowly taking over the show (much like Miss Glass on popular) and lea Michelle is on WAY too much. Honestly, the show plays out like a fanfic gone wrong.

But again, im ok with that, for the most part, because i dont expect greatness. I expect a cheesy OTT show. It just bugs me when i read people praise how well written it is and how diverse it is. Sure, its diverse cast. Too bad that cast is stuck playing one note stereotypes in minor/supporting roles.

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