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Glee: Discusion Thread


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Did anyone watch the season premiere? The two shows idea works well enough although it does cement Lea Michele as the outright lead. The new guy is handsome enough and I assume there will be a love triangle later on. One thing I did not like was the duet on NY State Of Mind. It's a nice song but tough to appreciate as a duet. Just when I was getting into hearing either one of them sing the song they would shift to the other one. It sort of betrays the whole idea that the singer is important when you can just plug anyone in to the song and arrangement.

Back in Glee, I am really sorry to see Unique. He wasn't very exciting last season and is still not this season. The new girl is good I guess but the new Puckerman just didn't do it for me. I thought Call Me Maybe was dull. Maybe because I heard it so many times before, but I saw no reason why I needed to hear Unique sing this song. (or Tina or Blaine).

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Thank god Im not the only one who cant stand Unique.

Too many clone characters. We got clone Rachel, Puck, Santana (with a little bit of Quinn mixxed in) and Mercedes

Why are you asking that about Emma? Is the actress not on the show anymore?

Edited by Cheap21
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Yea.. I predict it will be canceled this season. The show was good in the beginning, but has lost its touch. I don't care for the new characters at all! Where is my SANTANNA!

Unique is a drag queen in high school, sorry to much for me! The new head cheerleader makes me want to punch myself in the face. They are just ripping off Quinn! Pukes brother is hot though!

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I don't know if the show has to be canceled, it can just be morphed into a modern Mary Tyler Moore show starring Leah Michele. They already have everything they need to do a sitcom or drama about how she can live out the lyrics to the MTM theme. The formula for a supporting cast is there with students, teachers and her lovable but gay roommate.

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Tonight's version of "Oops, I Did It Again" was better than I expected. Other than that the episode was lacking musically. I wonder if this it it for Puck the First. Puck the Second is very good looking but sort of leaves me cold at the moment. I guess I need to hear him sing something solo.

They certainly have a great apartment! It is as big as a football field and continues the fine TV tradition of unrealistically cool NYC apartments.

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