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OLTL: Week of Febuary 2, 2009 Discussion

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Well if OLTL would do their research and remember ALL the ties Carlo Hesser has to the canvas, he could be that REAL bad guy who pulls the strings. He was the Stefano DiMera of OLTL! Amazing!

Somewhere along the way, it was forgotten that his biggest grudge was with Viki, and he transitioned to become Antonio and Cristian's arch-enemy, which is simply a waste of the excellent actor they have in Thom Christopher. It's so sad how they've weakened the Carlo character in the last 10 years. He hasn't been the same since he left his last contract stint back in 1996.

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I think OLTL is stagnating because they already have so many twisted characters. They just don't know how to write those twisted characters. They worked hard to regress Marty but are afraid to actually do anything with her. Todd does terrible things and yet they still work overtime to try to make him look sympathetic. They also don't know how to write for sane characters. We get bores like Starr, or John, or declawed Blair, or smug Rex and Gigi.

I wish they could just wrap up this story about Todd. Then start new stories which actually have some direction and some payoff.

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I agree that she was killed off way too quick. I bet this wasn't the original plan because back in October, they were setting something up with her and her mystery daughter.

I guess the backstage battles continues. <_<

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Interesting. I just look at someone like Janet Zarish, a NY theatre actress of a certain age, and I wish her TV stint would have lasted even longer. And I JUST put it together that she played Gertrude to Jeffrey Carlson's Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theatre in D.C., a friend of mine was in that production. But I was hoping Lee and Renee (who looks like she should be wearing a monkey coat and walking a leopard down 5th Avenue) would be involved in some sort of fun caper.

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This same person claims that Roger Howarth is tired of ATWT and is chomping at the bit to return to OLTL, but CBS will not budge on his contract... He is a fan of Carlivati's... Take it or leave it..

I would think ATWT, despite everything, is a much happier set than OLTL, which is reportedly- icky as ever.

Lee's killer is so obvious.

I really, really like Janet Zarish. I wish her well..

I am not into OLTL or Y&R lately- OLTL seems like it could be heading into complete unwatchability again.

But then you have a scene with Viki and David, and I am loving it.

Storylinewise- I am way bored. I already know who killed Lee. The drug storyline is lame. Todd has truly run his course.

The Blue Balls is coming up at least. And I may be the only one looking forward to this stripper from GL. I also dig Natalie vs. Jessica and Brody's body.

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