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OLTL: Week of Febuary 2, 2009 Discussion

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My favorite stuff was the Buchanan girls. I can see both sides, and one minute I'm totally hating on Natalie, and then the next I'm cheering her on. This is great, emotional stuff and I can't wait to see where they are going with the whole kids thing. I wish Jess would just sign custody over to her parents which would circumvent any long drawn out custody battle between the girls. I don't want to see that...

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I actually thought it looked fake. They needed to choreograph it better since Tea's hair was a total mess when she brought her head up and in the next shot it was perfectly in place.

Tea owes Blair and Marty a beat down for putting their hands on her.

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Haha, Blair got exactly what she deserved for going after Marty.

Blair may have slapped Tea but Tea won that fight. She kept her composure and completey owned Blair with her words. She made Blair look more desperate and silly

Yesterday they said Rex was married 3 times. I count Jen and Adriana. Who's the third?

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I was wondering about that too, Cheap...

Is it possible he married Jen twice? I remember there was the blink-and-you-missed it marriage between Rex/Jen that broke up quickly and Jen got involved with Joey. Did Rex ever marry her a second time before she was killed?

Outside of Adriana, I can't think of another wedding/marriage for Rex. Either they goofed or it was some pre-Llanview wedding that Gigi knows about, but the audience doesn't.

I'm actually wondering if Rex has a history with this new Stacy.

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At another website, whose insiders used to be extremely reliable- are saying that Andrea Evans is returning to OLTL and is one of the favorites hinted at!!!

If you hate her!? Tough.

I LOVE HER!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!

I really hope this is true...

By the way, I like this Stacy chick already. Just a vibe.

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Cheap, Why did they just not make Stacy, Sarah??? She would have been perfect. I do have a great feeling. I think she can at least act.

Gay CJ would be a perfect addition as well...

I researched the AE rumor, The board I trust unfortunately got the info from Soap Opera Central- which tends to be HORRIBLE, i.e. Jill Farren Phelps being fired fron GH in 2002 (Never happened) Michelle Val Jean being promoted as headwriter (Never happened) ect..

I just pmed the dude who started this and basically threatened his life it it was not true.

But somehow, the Mitch thing, Tina..... Oh baby I am in heaven.

Supposedly, Carlivati and Valentini never wanted her to leave.

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AMEN. THAT episode was the only episode of OLTL I have "taped" since 1995. You could feel the "love". It was so warm and heartfelt and one of my favorite episodes this year. It also spoke volumes about how the writers felt about the character despite and completely f-ed up summer.

After such a goofy messed up run where Tina was concerned, the montage was so warm and serious that it felt like a totaly different writer... Very strange... And when Tina said Llanview had not seen the last of her- I felt like Ron was saying- We f-ed this up and we will eventually make things right.

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Dee- Based on recent history- Valentini is a budgeting master- Castingwise, OLTL appears to have no issue with affording anyone. Kamar leaving could easily get them one or two more actors.

Generally when big returns or casting is announced, other actors are in the process of leaving.

Hence- Bye Justice, Hello girl from Guiding Light..

And rumor has it that Michael and Marcie will be out by spring. As well as Tika. And I don't see the Santi's lasting much longer either.

You would never know it looking at the ratings, but thank god for Valentini.

I hope there is some confirmation on this soon.

To me, the biggest obstacle would have been Frons as far as Andrea...

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It also helps that Andrea Evans wasnt on contract before and really isnt interested. Id love it if they were to manage an arrangement with her the way they did with Catherine Hickland. Lindsay was recurring but when they needed her, she was utilized extensively and then slipped into the background when they were done

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