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What is wrong with ATWT??

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Jon Lindstrom as Craig is terrible. I think he sucks in that role. I think it's because I equate him with Kevin Collins.

Nuke is a huge problem for me on ATWT. I hate their story, I hate how PG their romance is, I hate how their conflicts(pre-Brian) consisted of stolen elections, homophobic psycho fathers, and hags(re: Maddie). Give me "Lube" over Nuke anyday! Anyone else wanna send in Astroglide to JC Studios in support?

Then, there's Meg and Paul. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Boring. Roger Howarth has never looked more trapped and bored and Marie Wilson, who I liked on PC, just downright sucks on ATWT. It doesn't help that those character go through the same damn thing over and over again(break up, make up).

And give Noelle Beck something to do other than be a boring housewife. Recasting Martha Byrne with her was like trading in the family SUV for a high performance sports car. Where are Lily's lowcut outfits, her sense of sexuality, her sense of adventure? Not to say Byrne couldn't pull off those things, but damn. At least give people some T&A if you're not gonna give 'em good story.(I can't believe I, being as gay as a Pride Parade would ever wish that.)

And not that you asked, but one thing I *DO* love about ATWT is their attempt at portraying the whole Janet/Jack/Carly triangle. Despite Parker and Liberty being underaged and slutty, I do appreciate how real and true elements of that story seem. And little Faith vs. Janet is fun to watch. I loved when she accused Janet of hitting her. And I love how they use things like Jack putting a second mortgate on his house to provide a wedding for Janet, at the expense of his kid's savings and stuff. I doubt they will constantly refer to that or bring it up again, but it's nice to see characters actually thinking about their finances before throwing a wedding or getting a new house.

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Well, nothing will be done to fire those two. That's why I didnt start a Fire Pissy and Goutman #1,000,000.

They have been doing that for years. For example, making Paul and Dusty long time childhood friends. In what universe did that happen??

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I dunno, P&G soaps have a habit lately of writing these 'off camera' scripts the audience never sees, but somehow ends up being implied in the current story as if we should have known it all along - next thing you know they'll be refrencing something about how Luke actully graduated high school with Lucinda :rolleyes:

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Every time I watch this show I realize there's story line going on, but nothing seems to be happening.

We get involved in the idea of Carly and Craig, and they don't get married...which is much the same of every other character and story line on the show. There all a bunch of "busy bodies" with nothing to do but plot to do nothing. Even if someone were to try and sabotage something on this show, it would all be for nothing.

This is a show about nothing, and has the potential to be so much more.

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I still like the show, and I like a lot of things about it such as the story for Carly/Jack/Janet and their kids, Allison/Casey/Jade, and Nuke, but my main problems with the show are:

1. Too much reliance on plot-based stories involving pregnancies, custody battles, and surprise marriages

2. Rushing through some stories (Luke/Brian/Lucinda, Lucy's return), while telling other stories over and over (Johnny custody, Meg and her suitors)

3. No story for vets -- worse than that, vets trotted out for random episodes as props and not as three-dimensional characters

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they have playing things wrong with them. No hughes are front burner, No Love life for Lisa, Lucinda, or Emma. The show could get rid of Paul, Meg, Alison, Casey, Vanna or whatever her name is, Katie, Brad, Justice, and Justice's mother Janet. Where is Jessica, while Bonnie is here? John Dixon needs to be around to start a steamy romance with Emma causing Jealousy between her and Lucinda. Lisa needs a new man in the form of Phil Carey, he could have a past with Lucinda. Where the hell is Sierra?? Find a strong Sierra recast, I enjoyed Mary Beth go at the role. Lily needs something to do or maybe someone. Lily could carry on with new Chris Hughes or maybe something leads Lily into Tom's bed, cause I rift in both relationships and a new rival between Margo and Lily, which bring in the two big mama bears: Lisa and Lucinda. Connor Walsh returns Alyson Rice-Taylor in role or maybe Robin Mattson if Alyson can't return and she returns married to Barbara's brother. This show needs to get the focus off of Paul, Meg, Dusty, Katie, and Bradford and focus on our vets. Also I like Jon in the role as well, I had to give him time, but I like him. He is no Scott Bryce or Hunt Block, but he is good.

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It would be easier narrowing down what's right with ATWT.

I think it boils down to there being no long-term cohesiveness to the show. Yesterday, Casey's flucking Emily. Today he wants to fluck Ali. And tomorrow, it's another chick. Next week, who knows, he might turn bi.

Seriously, who doesn't think TIIC will ping-pong Johnny between his "two Daddies" every three months for the forseeable future?

And then...oh...then there's the stunning turn-arounds MID-SHOW. Every freakin' time Liberty and Parker are on together...it's "oh, we can't be together. I DON'T want to be with you." *stupid plot device develops* And then..."oh, Parker, I WANT to be with you." It's ANNOYING.

The writers have to stop plotting and writing this show like caffeine-addicted ADD sufferers. There's a huge difference between "layering" a character and their motivations, and just doing 180 turn-arounds every half hour.***

***except of course, for any Carly/Jack storyline, which drags out into eternity. Which is another problem unto itself.

There are other issues...story continuity, casting (I totally agree...Lindstrom sucks in this role, as does nuJade in hers) and the complete lack of logical family interactions. *WHERE THE [!@#$%^&*] is Barbara in the Johnny custody story??* Retreading stories, stories that seem to mirror each other playing concurrently. The ENDLESS fascination with BABY stories. Johnny, Hallie, Cabot...Ugh...you can smell another one revving up with Bratie. And God knows the mess that will be Eliza's custody. Crap that's done for short-term shock value. Paul's breakdown, Emily's hookerdom, Ali's porn, Casey/Emily's nasty little romp. Carly/Holden. This stuff that ultimately goes NOWHERE, and does nothing but titillate and then destroy characters.

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