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American Idol: Discussion Thread


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I filled out the survey and basically said dump Ellen and Kara, bring back Paula, stop crappy themes, and get better contestants. Ellen is useless, Kara spends a lot of words to say nothing, and neither one is Paula Abdul. It is interesting in that we have been given a great lesson in how a show works and the importance of each and every part. Paula clearly was crucial. Also, and I don't know why this is, the caliber of the contestants has declined since she left.

It doesn't matter snymore. I was reading yesterday that some british online bookie site found that interest in betting on AI is down so dramatically that they dropped it from its site. If people don't care enough to bet on it, it's done.

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Lee was by far the best last week. He was very good. He may end up winning IDOL instead of Crystal. Now Big Mike, yeah he sucked and shouldve went home instead of Aaron.

Big Mike is the one who is aweful. Lee DeWyze may have picked the wrong song tonight but all the guys did imho. He still sung the song very,very good. Big Mike was very,very boring and karaoke on "Will You Be There".

Lee & Crystal's duet was brilliant and much, much better than the boring original version.

Didnt vote for him, but he didnt suck, and deserves 3rd place, much more than the horrible big prick know as Big Mike.

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Lee is that dude! lol. He needs a lot of work but it doesn't eliminate the fact that I love hearing him. No he's not pop singer material, he's rocker with a bit of soul, but I love his edgy vocals. Lee does need to work on that shy thing though.

I really Miss Alex I really would have loved to see where he would take it.

Clearly the audience indicate that they have been trying to get rid of Mike for about three weeks now imo, given the reamining choices Mike is truly top three. Casey has regressed since his beginning and he was never blowing me away

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The duetts were awesome, much better then the individuals. imo I loooove that song from Once, and I'm so glad they decided to performe it. Have to say I kind of liked Casey's performance though. Sometimes he's got that seducing look in his eyes... like when he did "Jealous guy". Well, he had something similar going on this week.

I'm glad Mike is out and Lee, Crystal and casey ae in the top 3. Hoping Lee takes it home, because I'm kind of tired of Crystal. I get the vibe from like she thinks she has it in the bag. Plus I'm tired some of her song choices. Her solo performance this week was horrible. The song choice sucked, and she just wasn't good. Good thing for everybody they had their duetts as well.

The thing with this season is that there's clearly more singer/songwriters. It's not as commercial as it usually is, and I love it! Some odd song choices, but there usually is anyway.

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WOW!! No comments on the Top 3 IDOL show. Lee DeWyze for the win! Crystal must be in the final 2 with Lee. They're a league of their own, awesome and a helluva lot better than Casey who better go home tomorrow night> That said I do like Casey and am glad that he's in the Top 3, but as I said Crystal & Lee are the 2 who deserve the Finale. Until this week I was tied in my feelings for Lee & Crystal, but as of tonight, I am for Lee to win it. Loved his "Simple Man" and "Hallelujah", which he made his own. He better have at least "Hallelujah" on his debut cd.

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Well two things is really annoying with this show. I HATE it when Ryan says at the beginning of every show "This is American Idol". It's so chessy, and I don't understand why he has to say it exacly the same every week with the biggest Colgate smile every time.

Then when Ryan is presenting the judges, Randy has been booing Simon every week It's sooo annoying, it's getting really old. Also his "Yo yo yo, listen man" is annoying as h*ll.

Casey: I love Eric Hutchinson, he's one of my favorite artists. So I was happy to hear one of his songs on AI. Don't know if it was the right Hucthinson song for the evening though.

His second performance was great, love that song. But I also agree with Simon, a different arrangement would've made it even better.

Crystal: Just didn't like her first song choice. It might have been good if she did this song in the beginning. But Crystal has such a whiny/screamy voice at times. So it's kind of hard to listen to her sing these days.

I didn't like her second performance either, too sleepy and screamy. A song isn't good just because of who wrote it.

Lee: Looooved his first performance! Kara was right for once, round one goes to Lee.

Like Simon said, yeah we've heard this song a covered hundreds of times before. But when the right person sings "Hallelujah", it just clicks. He was miles better on both performances! This was amazing and I hope Lee wins the whole d*mn thing! Oh, and I hope Casey is there in the finals with him because I'm tired of Crystall.

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Crystal and Lee of course I feel Lee may take it but I love Crystal's presence, she's a true artist from what I have seen of her. Not very compromising and it suits her because she has an idea of how she wants to express things and I feel like I can mostly tell when it's her vs when it's not, she's still one of the best to me. Nothing much against Casey I just don't believe he was top three, he's regressed even to me. He needs much direction. Lee is that man . I always said he's a BIT reminiscient of David Cook who happens to be my favorite idol:

He almost made me like this cover way more than the classic original:


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