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Trump was never going to repeal Obamacare and neither would any of the other Republican candidates had they been elected. Republicans have slowly backed away from the whole repeal argument because Obamacare has become a part of the norm despite the issues with premiums rising. Trump's main goal in office will be about creating power and financial opportunities for himself. He's made an idiot out of a lot of voters.

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I think they are hoping to slowly choke the life out of Obamacare, which is what has been happening in the last few years. 


Then there is, as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, how quick they will go to try to gut Medicare/Social Security - a longtime passion of Paul Ryan and his Ayn Rand loving ways. I bet he wishes he hadn't burned himself so badly with Trump and his cronies. 

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First of all, the parts of Obamacare that Trump says he likes (after dismissing the entire program as a disaster) are non-budgetary, as the article states; and they are, in fact, included in Paul Ryan's "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow!" alternative (or whatever the hell he calls it).  Second, he only said he would CONSIDER keeping them.  To me, that isn't the same as, "I'm gonna do it!  It's done!".  IOW, I'll take the wait-and-see approach.



Remember the meme that went around for awhile, quoting Trump (from the '80's) as saying that if he were to run for President, he would do so as a Republican, because (I'm paraphrasing) their voters are gullible?  That's what came into my mind when I read this, NBA.


Listen, if Trump has been a Democrat or Nationalist in Republican's clothing this entire time, then somebody hand him an Academy Award.  But even if that were true, just think about the hell he has unleashed in the name of sneaking an agenda past white, working-class citizens.  Either way, he has begun something that even he will be unable to contain.

Edited by Khan
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I stand corrected.


Pardon me if I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.  I'm sorry for those who didn't vote for him and will suffer.  But the others...?  Well, maybe you gotta burn your hand before you realize not to touch the stove.

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Oh that same meme, Trump voters were denouncing but now that see that, that exact meme clearly holds some truth to it. 


Trump is a performer. Bamboozling these people was a cakewalk for him. He's built an empire off of manipulating and robbing little people. Hillary and the Democrats brought out a plethora of Trump workers to back their claims. The people that voted for him ignored the facts and pleas and now they are gonna suffer. 




Why should you? We've 'libertards' (as they love to refer to us as) warned them from the start that Trump is snake oil salesman. Now they are gonna suffer the most. Minorities aren't gonna suffer b/c all of us know how to survive and hustle. We have from the start. It is middle and working class White families that are gonna struggle b/c they were sold a dream that won't come to fruition. This is what happens when people don't do research and listen to what they wanna hear. 

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That sent a chill up my spine. 


As awful as it is, at least I can laugh at Trump's people giving Christie one last kick in the ass, after spending a year making it an artform. Apparently he prosecuted Jared Kushner's father. I wonder if this year of ritual humiliation was by design. 

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I don't know, but I do too.  Over the last couple of days I've broken into uncontrollable laughter a few times (once I stopped crying). It's the sheer absurdity of it all. No doubt Trump will stop in a the white house a couple of times a month to check on the progress his minions are making.

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