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Have you been watching the news? Don Lemon (and he's certainly not biased against her) just had clips of Hillary speaking and then the FBI coming right in and contradicting her line for line. She lied about not having classified emails on her server. She also lied about the FBI backing her up on not having classified emails on her server. That's just this week. The Clinton's both have a very long history of lying. I'm not going to pretend the emperor is wearing clothes just because I agree with them politically.

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The FBI Director did a lot of editorializing in his initial statement, but doubled back and said different things when he was interviewed by the committee in the House. There were a number of emails that were classified after the fact, which is not the same as them being classified before. Everyone has their own opinion about the server, so everyone has their own version of what is true. The fact that she was not indicted said everything that needed to be said. There is a whole lot media push to make her as bad as Trump, because they want ratings. Honestly, the whole thing was put to rest by no indictment. The Director of the FBI is a Republican and you know if he couldn't trump up charges, there really was nothing there.

Edited by ReddFoxx
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CNN is not trying to make her as bad as Trump. He's taken over  the news cycle which is saving her from being grilled over the obvious lies she's telling.  If you want to say she hasn't committed a crime, fine. If you want to say she hasn't lied, please. Tell that to someone who hasn't been paying attention.  Saying that the FBI agreed she didn't have classified info on her computer was a calculated cynical move. She knew more people would see her clip than would ever see the FBI rebuttal.

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Again, the whole issue of classification is a matter of opinion, because there are things that were retroactively classified and it appears that is what the media was talking about. Clinton has always maintained that she never sent any classified emails. The lack of an indictment supports that, but again, it's all a matter of opinion, so I'll leave it at that.

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Considering that the DNC and her campaign have been hacked not to mention numerous government agencies, I consider Hillary the smart one in this. She should be having servers set up for half these folks. Trump's inviting hackers to attack this country actually pushed cybersecurity professionals to rally around her.


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 I don't like the equivalency argument because it doesn't really push the narrative in any kind of positive direction. This week we saw Donald Trump lashing out at a Gold Star family and his supporters start talking about Hillary saying a Benghazi mother lied. It's an attempt to distort or divert the current issue and  I don't think it works most of the time.


But I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that there has been a concerted effort by the GOP to smear not only the Clinton's but our current president. And some of it has stuck, mostly on Hillary Clinton(note Bill Clinton is still well liked and my guess would be his trustworthiness would be much higher than his wife). If the investigations into Benghazi, Hillary's email, the Clinton's use of the White House Christmas card list(and the list goes on) were all done in the interest of National Security, than you would think hearings into a War in Iraq we never should have been in and were in allegedly due to faulty intelligence, costing 4,000 American lives would be a concern also. Granted I am a democrat, but I haven't seen the same venom on the left as I have seen on the right as it comes to aggressively attacking and smearing the other side. There is something about the Clintons, lying or not, perhaps that the GOP just hates and even our current president and it's more about them than being democrats IMO.


I do agree that in the most recent interview, Clinton may have answered those questions differently had she believed that her responses would get far more attention than it did.


But don't you believe that the GOP has gone after her and much of it as stuck because they know as a female, she's more vulnerable?

Edited by JaneAusten
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and the Bus Admin. started a war based on lies THEY told and how many US soldiers came home maimed or dead? how many Iraqi civilians were killed based off these lies? but you have decided, as do most, to completely ignore that because you have this hate on for HRC. I don't care for her too much myself...but voting for her is like taking the chance Anakin will not turn to the dark side over Trump who is the damn Emperor of the Galactic Empire. but people see what they want to see...and I will not argue facts against emotions or hatred. so..enjoy. LOL

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CNN just reported that Trump continues to drop with educated white males in NH..more than 20 point drop…and he is dropping in other states that are vital to him winning…..

Hillary is leading in NH, MI and PA

Edited by Soapsuds
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