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I read that article after I saw you mention it. Big money and ties to dictators is certainly nothing new for either party but this really is an eye-opener.




It's saddening, if not surprising, that the "liberal" media lets Trump get away with his blatant shilling with only a minimum of pushback. 


I posted this before but it's an article about his years with Marcos:



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It's particularly startling when someone builds their entire campaign around not being 'owned' by anyone.


The 'liberal' media was fixated on the 'Never Hillary' people which drew attention away from the fact that there is this underbelly of not just money but influence peddling from Russia that has oligarchs (and possibly Putin himself through well-connected associates) that invest in Trump properties/ventures and vice versa. This is probably worse than Dick Cheney and Halliburton.

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The VFW condemns Trump. Clinton now leads him by at least 7 points, according to right-leaning polls.


Politico asks if the Khan debacle is Trump's 'have you no decency?' moment (it's actually at least his 49th).


McCain defends the Khans while struggling, like most GOP heads, with not finding the spine to fully condemn Trump.


Trump's latest excuse for his Crimea/Ukraine comments, which are being lashed from every corner almost as hard as his comments on the Khans:




I still suspect this man does not make it to November. He is incapable of walking away from a mess, admitting failure or giving an inch. He is clearly infuriated by the DNC's success, his own convention's troubles, his falling numbers and most of all, the public humiliation by first the Khans and now his latest interview. He is in freefall. His only recourse to avoid being the Biggest Loser will be to walk away from the campaign calling himself a winner by default for not playing "crooked Washington's game".


Oh, and: He just started talking about fearing the election would be 'rigged' against him at a rally today.

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Some of my "friends" on FB started saying this same thing over the weekend.  I'm basically keeping them around until the election and then I'll boot em.  


I still can't fathom why anyone would support this man after all he's done and said.  Among them evangelicals.  Isn't Trump the antithesis of everything Christians strive to be and profess to admire?!?  It makes no sense to me.  

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He seems to be getting more and more lost in the head. I know Vee has already mentioned this but I'm truly baffled at his ranting about how fire marshals are trying to hurt his campaign. I think he is the type of person who always has to feel victimized and aggrieved. And that's dangerous as hell in someone who wants to be President.

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Gallup - yes, Gallup - says voters are now less likely to vote for Trump post-RNC and DNC.


Poor foolish Mike Pence apparently just attempted to defend an Air Force mother who decried Trump's insults at a rally after she was booed by the crowd. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll drop from the ticket.

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This is bigger than the Dean Scream or Romney's 47%.


Meanwhile, in an unsurprising move for Trumpy's Bunker, the aide who organized the disastrous RNC has been fired.


Warren Buffett dares Trump to release his taxes and invokes the McCarthy hearings and Joseph Welch.


Trump's campaign begged the GOP for help with Khan, to no avail.

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