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Rand Paul certainly knows how to get publicity. He says that Obama criticizing BP is "un-American."


This is at least a good way to distract from the fallout over his criticisms of the Civil Rights Act, which probably won't hurt him in his state but probably doesn't do the Tea Party any favors nationally or in the press.


I wonder why they don't talk more about his views on the Americans with Disabilities Act.


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I'm certainly not going to defend Rand Paul, who is a nut. With him as the nominee, I fear the Democrats will pick up that seat.

However, regarding the BP oil spill, I find it interesting (but not at all surprising) that none of the resident liberals on this site have criticized Obama for his terribly slow handling of this matter (after more than one month has passed since the spill, all he has done was just recently announce the formation of a commission to look into it). There's no doubt you folks--along with all the environmental groups (who also have remained silent)--would have loudly complained had this occurred under a Republican president's watch.

Before I conclude this post, I also want to touch upon the topic of Arlen Specter's defeat in the Democratic primary this week. This is so ironic, because one year ago he switch parties because all the polls showed he would be defeated in a Republican primary. At the time, Democrats (including some on this board) praised Specter for his "courage" and then trashed the GOP for having no room for moderates. Yet, after Specter's defeat to someone on the far left, not one Democrat has said that their party also makes it unwelcoming for moderates. (By the way, I don't want to make it look like I'm defending Specter, since I believe that his party switch was purely opportunistic; all I'm trying to do here is to point out another case of Democratic hypocrisy.)

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CarlD2, your points are well taken, but it still would have been refreshing to have seen a liberal make a comment such as the following (since they were so vocal against Bush back when this thread was more popular): "While the damn Republicans pushed Obama to drill, I'm angry he chose to drill anyway. And look what its come to: disaster. Of course, it goes without saying that I am disappointed in the president for his slow handling of the oil spill."

In my posts, I often criticize the Republican Party. I've been particularly critical of how this party is drifting further to the right, and vocal in regards to my belief that the Tea Party will do nothing but harm the GOP in the long-run.

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This is just juicy. And a mess.

If I were Cameron, I'd summon Clegg immediately and replace Laws. Simple.

Yup, Harris lost, he was all over the BBC during elections, though. As a commentator or something, if my information are correct.

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I'm not gonna say "Worst President EVER" yet, but the response to this Oil Spill and the way BP has dicked over the Gulf and has been allowed to hoodwink the public by bribing media outlets with ad buys and by refusing to let journalists, bloggers, and photographers down there to see what the hell is REALLY going on is the tragedy and embarrassment in and of itself. The sad thing is that this would have happened on anyone's watch because all of our politicians are in deep with big oil.

And for Michelle Obama to have the nerve to tell people to risk their health and their lives by telling people, "OOOH YEAH! COME ON IN BABY! It's cool. No oil, you know! See all these people behind me?" Yeah, YOU risk your life First Lady and I'll follow suit. You put on your bikini and take Sasha and Malia down there to dig sand, swim in that water, and get the occassional tarball on their foot. Sounds like a good idea doesn't it? <_< Continuing to allow shrimping and fishing in Florida and Texas, not knowing or being aware of whether BP has dumped Corexit there as a pre-emptive strike. I know that these people rely on seafood as an industry, but I don't understand why a ban was not placed on Texas or Florida? Do they want people to get sick?

I am so f*cking irate with the level of ignorance people have where this is concerned. The gusher is capped, but this is far from over. There are allegedly leaks of oil in the seafloor by the gusher and even the overabundant presence of methane gas in the water which is probably what caused the damn rig to explode to begin with. And they are just NOW dealing with the methane being a huge problem because of the cap(something they should have placed on the damn thing from day one) allowing all of this to be seen?

This is way worse than alot of people know. The bloggers, whistleblowers, and concerned citizens are being painted by BP, the Feds, and people who don't give a damn as overzealous non-scientists, Obama haters, etc. The evidence of what this is doing to stuff and people is already out there if people take the time to research this for five seconds. People down there are getting sick, there's already reports of plants, crops, and grass with chemical burns on them, and no one is even concerned that the oil in the water and chemical dispersant that they are spraying on the water and the sand and probably's people's homes are doing this? There's also the citizen journalist reports out of the gulf that BP pulls workers out of the spill when the cameras stop rolling and the politicans go home AND even reports of BP or local leaders in Pensacola and other areas covering up tarballs with sand in Pensacola. BP is probably still using Corexit in the water to break up the oil, which doesn't get rid of it, but makes it less visible and makes it sink to the ocean as an oil plume.

I am not pleased at all. Not with the media coverage, not with our government, not with BP, not with any of it.

And now I'm watching Diane Sawyer and they say the oil spill has shrunk. How the hell is that happening if BP is cutting costs and corners? Are they still using Corexit in the water?

Something just doesn't feel right with this at all. I just hope I, along with other people, are totally wrong about this. I'd be happy to eat this piece of crow.

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I don't think Obama is Worst president ever, I think he's like Jimmy Carter, too idealstic for his own good. He needs to really play dirty. But Bellcurve, I agree with you TOTALLY about the gulf. I can say with complete certainty, that I will NEVER eat gulf seafood again for the rest of my life ( I rarely ate it to begin with, only the occasional shrimp). I feel this has poisoned the gulf FOREVER. Any seafood I eat will come from the pacific, case closed. And the only fish I eat comes from my pond, anyway. I certainly would never go DOWN there with all those chemicals that have been applied, ridiculous.. Michelle's promo ops reminds me of those 50's cigarette commercials that featured DOCTORS.

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