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I feel like the cult mentality has only worsened since that time as you have people wearing Maxi pads and garbage bags in his honor. That year also makes this year seem even more ominous to me because he only very narrowly lost while presiding over a pandemic. Now he is tied at worst, with a history of overperforming polls, while Harris is drowned out by everyone and everything (him, Musk, Cuban, Liz Cheney, a bad jobs report [there are reasons for that but those aren't what will get headlines, etc.). So much is pushing him the way he wants to go in these last days.

I don't even know if the Cheney stuff hurts him because many morons on the left and the right will probably see this as him being "the peace candidate," and any time violence is riled up in voters, he tends to benefit.

Speaking of which...America, 2024:

Kamala Harris depicted as chained up during Pennsylvania Halloween parade, officials apologize for "allowing the offensive participants" - CBS Pittsburgh

Edited by DRW50
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You pretty much believe that nothing can damage or hurt Trump. He is this Lex Luther type of  businessman/president who succeeds because of Forrest Gump like circumstances and luck that always benefits him in some way. Everything and everybody around him is his Brain and Penny to his Inspector Gadget and is helping him succeed despite being unaware of it

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Oh, they're aware of it - a lot of people profit from him being in power. That's the worst part - people know exactly what he is, and they still enable him or think they can will him into being what they want him to be.

I think some things damage Trump temporarily but in the end they fade, because of the double standards the public and the media provide. He hired a comedian to make racist remarks at a hate rally and in less than a week the narrative is Trump triumphantly defending millions of Americans while working as a garbageman. And other than responding to what he says or does, Harris barely gets a word in, like Hillary by this point in 2016.

Nobody else ever gets away with this. We're going into Tuesday with the possibility he could win big because of how many decades of enabling and crass go-along-to-get-along mentality this man is cocooned in. 

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That's really not the narrative this week IMO. That is the right wing spin, but it has not overtaken media or the public. The narrative is what I posted above. That and Puerto Rico.

And not everything Harris does is drowned out.


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This is honestly horsecrap. Rather than figure out how to adjust their models based on the reasons for the disparity in the past 2 elections, they do this?  And this proves I was right. So with that plus being wrong in 2022, they just throw up their hands and ignore their own data analysis.  Couple that with the right wing polling that was flooded into their models in 2022 and even more this year. It's a double whammy. And with the time people have obsessed over them.

And I have to ask another question. What about Biden?  He was pushed out.  I'm sorry to say, I think this was done purposely to push a narrative our propaganda filled media wanted.  I'll admit initially I did not want Biden to run for re-election - this was before he announced. Not due to capabilities, but yes his age. The presidency takes a toll on you. But then Trump announced before Biden did and I was fine with Biden announcing after that.   Harris has picked up the mantel and I don't care what those fools on The Young Turks say(who take credit by the way for pushing Biden out), Harris has been phenomenal when one considers the amount of time she's had. Of course the speed at which the news cycles move helped that also.

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Nate Silver was complaining about Republican pollsters that always need to have Trump ahead by 1 and herding, basically calling them cowards. It does seem like a common trend. I do think that Trump is going to overperform polls again, so I can see why they are cautious, but they should just stop polling altogether. They won't because they don't want to lose that money. 

One positive of the polls, real or fake, is they are at least convincing more who are supporting Harris or leaning toward doing so to feel their vote counts. There was a poll out today claiming Trump is only ahead by 3 in Ohio. I don't buy that (if I'm wrong I'll be thrilled) and it feels like something whipped up for the sake of complacency. 

I also saw Mehdi Hasan criticizing Kamala for not going to Dearborn and what an opening this gave Trump. It annoyed me, because I know that if she had gone, she would have been torn to pieces - she's already gotten so much hostility at rallies as it is.

In 2019, Kamala had a talk with Ady Barkan, a big healthcare advocate who passed away from ALS last year. At the time only ten minutes were shown, but they've now released the full thing.

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She's gotten a handful of hecklers, which is predictable for any Dem candidate (because the far left is too chickenshit to protest Republicans). Her rallies haven't exactly been unpopular or chaotic either. They've been largely sold out lovefests.

Hasan has always overestimated his importance and influence. Which explains why we are currently up in Michigan in a lot of polling.


And then there's this, which must be seen to be believed:


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