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So far, it seems like only the Fulton County court YouTube channel will be live-streaming this.
Did you mean that, this will take viewers away from watching the soaps live? With streaming, I would imagine that ratings from live viewing might not have the “end all, be all “significance it once had.

These soap production companies better work out a more effective strategy than they used in the mid-1990s, a time during which a number of soaps presented a number of episodes that were stuffed with filler, with the hope that they could placehold stories and wait for the viewers to return.


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I'm seeing this in various places - very heavy reminders of either there being no point in voting, or pushing Cornel West, or people pushing the narrative about how black people now think Trump is cool because he has a mug shot.

I've also been seeing even more of the old smears against the Obamas - Michelle is a man, their children are another couple's children, Obama is gay, Obama murdered his chef (that's an old Clinton favorite). I see that !@#$%^&*] Carlson is now laundering the Obama gay stuff on his increasingly irrelevant Twitter stream. 

At this point they seem to have no real strategy beyond just cranking out material as fast as possible in order to survive...that or bringing in their friends to give them jobs while they still can. 

I do wonder how much interest the whole Trump trainwreck still has compared to 5-6 years ago, even with people who want to see him locked up.

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Rarely am I on that hell site but today, I went on that alternate site to check if there was a free link for an article I wanted to listen to. As handy as the archive is, it doesn’t contain links for any audio component. That’s when a ridiculous tweet caught my eye. I’m glad not to be anywhere near that site long enough to see the other awfulness that you just described. I will definitely stay away from here on out.

As for the train wreck that is Trump and his trial, initially, I expect people to tune in/click on, many out of mere curiosity. What I don’t know, is how long this will last or how long they will continue to click on. I am also curious to see how much coverage the broadcast networks will provide, especially since they won’t be the primary source of the livestream-they will be relying on the courthouse feed. Why would people tune into cbsnews website, when they can tune in directly to the dedicated YouTube channel? It would make even less sense to tune into CBS (or ABC), unless you’re craving to hear an assortment of talking heads go on about poll numbers and all manner of irrelevant details.


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Also the fact that, over the past 20 years, new writers who care about the future of our careers don’t actually want to write for a daytime soap, not even as a stepping stone. It’s one thing if it’s someone who has always wanted to write for one, but you’d be hard-pressed to find someone under 50 who wants to write for a daytime soap. Many of the writers writing for daytime soaps are Fi-Core anyway and don’t care about the strike or the unions.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Breathless, gossipy coverage from Swan (another foreign journo who always seems endlessly and inappropriately amused and fascinated by the most corrupt American politicians possible while knowing full well what they are, a trend in that industry I have not failed to notice over the years), but with important information:


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I say bleed them dry.  They deserve to have their bank accounts emptied - and the donors as well - empty their bank accounts and let them see - Republicans did this to them.  There is a twitter account or X or whatever they're trying to be now.  "Republicans against Trump"....but here's the thing - I'm not sure they really are against Trump.  Because yesterday they posted the pictures of his coffee mugs, and everything else he's hawking with something about - don't let him do this.  But - it advertises for him every time they post that stuff.  On several of their posts I have replied "That's great - but you waited too late.  It's too late now".  I always post something like that.  Because they have.  They've waited too late to care, and any single one of them (which is two) - who REALLY DID stand up against him - they didn't not support Liz Cheney nor Adam Kitzinger (sp?)....in fact, they attacked them.  Anyone WHO HAS spoken out against Trump (Democrats consistently) - instead of even just PARTIALLY bashing him as well - they go after anyone that spoke out against his orange-ness.  And in the debate which I'm glad I didn't watch - I've seen the clips enough to know.  They ASKED OUTRIGHT, who would vote for him, if he's their nominee, and every single one of them raised their hand except for Chris Christie, who can also bite my left one.  They waited too late, and then stand around like a bunch of Steve Urkels pulling up their pants...."DID I DO THATTTTTT?" Yes, you did that, and now it's too late.  And EVERY SINGLE ONE of them will vote for Trump.  They are THAT bad, and THAT deplorable.  They do NOT have Freedom, the Constitution, or LOVE in their hearts.  They can shove it.  They are all part of the group that wishes this country were a Fascist Christian State, and then they would be happy and they'll preach that they have freedom.  I will NEVER vote Republican again - all I need to see is an R and I will not vote for that person.  As long as a Democrat is capable and SANE, that's who I'm going with.  

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I know people don't really care for Politico, but this reminds me of the upcoming campaign finance ruling the GOP is hoping they can use for their gain.


Swan is another who became too memed and loved online for his own good. 

I remember a lot of hype over Jeff Roe due to his work with Ted Cruz, but he mostly seems to be known now for bleeding money.

Even if it's a tactic, he's very much right about Nikki Haley - everything about her screams unpleasant and phony. Fawning media coverage goes a long way, but I'll never forget her calling for Sen. Warnock to be deported.

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Many of us will remember the horrible Grenfell fire. This fire in Johannesburg is like the long-running nightmarish saga to that story. A slow-moving tragedy that the city and national governments knew was happening.


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