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The media really has been pushing Liz Cheney the last few months, using her in their fervent efforts to help Republicans get the House back. I guess it makes sense - she's a proud hatemonger and homophobe, and the media loves Republican women who are proud hatemongers. They pushed and pushed Joni Ernst and Sarah Palin until they both revealed themselves to be too stupid to manage much more than talking into a camera.


They also adored her father, so they must want to continue his legacy through her. They must be getting hot and heavy at the thought of getting to ride around in tanks again and play action hero, the way they loved, loved, loved doing during the Iraq invasion.



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Once again, the media's distracted by the shiny toy that is Howard Schultz -- whose teasing of a presidential run might not amount to anything more than simple talk in the long run -- instead of focusing on REAL crises happening both at home and abroad.  


We're gonna end up with four more years of Trump, because the media just won't learn that none of this is supposed to be a game.  I just know it.

Edited by Khan
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I've heard many people say what Brokaw is saying, but the problem is no one who needs to "assimilate" is going to do so because of politicians or journalists hectoring them.  It's a very complicated issue, and Brokaw has nothing to say that is worth listening to. Only last week he was going on about how Democrats were just as responsible for the shutdown as Republicans and blasting their younger members for putting on a show instead of working with Democrats in Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota (states that were irrelevant to the gains Democrats made in 2018). 


Brokaw has had nothing interesting, or relevant, to say in many year.s. He is a creature of the echo chamber that is NBC News and the Beltway. Plopping him down on their news shows so he can mutter away while everyone else looks on awkwardly is a very easy way to fail.

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I agree, but in some ways it's also a non issue. I don't think we have a large scale problem of children or young adults failing to assimilate.  Conservatives actually have less confidence in American mainstream culture than I do because I've seen how irresistible it is.  As my husband says once you raise a child who isn't a Christian you see how completely ridiculous the supposed war on Christmas really is. The same goes for language, imo. At the time, wouldn't all of our children be better off if we became a bilingual nation like Canada?

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This is probably somewhat anecdotal, but when I was at an immigration forum last year one of the panelist was discussing campaigning and said that younger Hispanic prefer communications in English while the older people are more partial to Spanish, so it's not like the younger people aren't learning English. With that said, the comment he made about people being worried about having brown grandchildren was even more terrible. People who worry about such a thing are truly racist.

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It's ridiculous that people like Tom Brokaw are so focused on assimilation when we are constantly seeing reports of maladjusted young white men shooting people in schools, churches and banks.   Where is the introspection and serious discussion on that?


Most of us knew that Trump has been/is wrong on most everything, including and especially, foreign policy. Wrong on North Korea.  Wrong on Iran.  Wrong on ISIS.


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