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I often wonder what happened to real conservatives. My dad was one and even voted for Reagan, finally realizing that Reagan was no conservative with ballooning deficits and infiltration on issues he felt gvmt had no business being in.  My dad also loved FDR.


I am amazed how any woman, PoC,  LGBTQ could support those who feel we are no better than scum on the bottom of their shoe, only live to serve them, only live to be a baby machine, and the list goes on. Small gvmt unless it's handing out welfare to corporations, giving billionaires massive tax breaks, while pitting we serfs against one another for crumbs while secretly supporting those evil illegals because you know, they are their slave labor, because that's how they view all of us.


When did conservatism become a bloating military industrial complex, private prison complex - oh right its about greed and enriching their rich friends which is why endless wars continue and we keep jailing people. Who do people think is running those baby camps on the border? Not the US gvmt but Jeff Sessions private prison shareholder friends.


This says it all .



When do the real conservatives stand up and say stay out of my personal life. Modern conservatism is a farce and joke.

Edited by JaneAusten
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This is why Bernie 2020 is dead in the water. For the next two years we are going to learn more details about how he was used by the Kremlin to attack our democracy. Hearings and investigations and reports and indictments will keep bringing it up and eventually he will become synonymous with it.  He won't be able to escape it and he's not prepared to address it.



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That Patreon story is interesting. This happens again and again with far-right extremists. They always say terrible things, get booted, cry censorship, and get more money coming in while becoming even more extreme. 


Dave Rubin used to be with the Young Turks, and then presumably left because he saw there was more money in claiming to be too oppressed by attacks on free speech from out of control liberals. It will be interesting to see what he does now that the money is drying up.

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