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Thank goodness there are still courts and judges who stopped the Trump administration from sending back vulnerable groups like the Haitians who came to the U.S. after the 2010 earthquake. 

There was another earthquake today in Haiti and only God knows what would've happened had those people returned when the Trump WH wanted them to.


Speaking of which, this article about how the generals during the Vietnam war wanted to push the possibility of using nuclear weapons in Vietnam but were stopped by LBJ should alarm Americans today as Trump has often spoken of his intentions to rely on the generals and basically let them have their way.


U.S. General Considered Nuclear Response in Vietnam War, Cables Show



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These days, I feel kind of like how Murphy Brown felt last week: "Why lie?"  


They hold the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, and (barring any last-minute divine interventions on Election Day, which I doubt will come) they probably will until our CHILDREN are old and gray.


They're never going to persuade the left on any of their arguments; and really, it doesn't matter how the other side thinks or feels, because thanks not just to Kavanaugh's confirmation but also to racial gerrymandering and stripping away parts of the Voting Rights Acts, they've seen to it that will be as cold as Christmas in Hell before we ever have any say in government again.  


And even when they KNOW that their leaders are lying to them, their followers remain affixed to their sides (or other parts of their anatomies). 


So, why deceive the public at all?  Why evade or exaggerate?  Why ignore and/or rewrite history, in this case, to fit their screwy arguments?  WHY. LIE.


Why not just come right out and say, "Yes, I blocked Merrick Garland's nomination, because I didn't want Obama to have that SCOTUS pick, and I'll be damned before I let a liberal judge tilt the Supreme Court to the left!"?  Better yet, why not just say what you REALLY want to say, Mitch?  You blocked it, because you could; and if we don't like it, tough [!@#$%^&*]!  (SNL's Kate McKinnon-as-Lindsey Graham said it best: "I'm never getting pregnant, so who cares?".)


What, do they need permission to be that petty?  Well, look who's the CEO!  Not a MINUTE goes by when he isn't being petty!  And, yes, he gets away with it, too!  So, if they think being openly petty would turn off or turn away voters, look no further than the King of Petty, Mr. Make America Great Again, Donald J. [!@#$%^&*] Trump!


It's bad enough that the GOP is doing everything in its' power and then some to roll us all the way back to 1952.  I could handle the obviousness in their agenda.  


But the lying.  The peeing on all our legs as they tell us it's raining.  The fact that even my own mother, someone I used to look up to as one (and a Black woman, at that) who could smell the bullshit from a thousand miles away, now BELIEVING that what these people are doing is somehow in accordance with God's will; and the fact I, myself, have begun to wonder if this is what God really wants, and questioning how I ever could love and serve a God who could be this cruel to His own children....


I can't take it anymore.  I just can't.

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They're lying to themselves. They know what their legacy will be. He can smirk all he wants but he knows that more and more people are on to him and are calling him out. That means once he finally decides to retire it won't be based on what he wanted (a steward of the Senate, a fighter) but what he is (a sociopath and a stooge).

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No, they're not, Carl.  They're not lying to themselves.  They know exactly what they're doing, exactly what they're saying, and they don't care, because they know there's not a damn thing anyone will ever do about it.


No, they're not delusional.  They're just plain evil.



They're calling him out, yes.  But he Doesn't. Care.  That's what I keep trying to say: THEY. DON'T. CARE.


I just wish they let the masks fall, STOP the pretense of caring even a little bit, and get on with the business of turning us back into masters and slaves.  It's what they want.  It's what they've always wanted.  And sooner or later, it's what they're going to get.

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I know. Sometimes I wish Trump would just raise his fist at one of these rallies and scream "blood and soil".  Let's just get it out there and let the chips fall where they may.  At the same time, I'm glad he doesn't because I'm deep down afraid it wouldn't go the way I'd hope. Maybe it's best if the mask doesn't drop.

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As Clair Huxtable would say:


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You know [!@#$%^&*] just got real when Taylor Swift finds time in between boyfriends (and writing songs about said boyfriends) to go on Twitter and tell everyone who she's voting for.


But she's no fool: she had no issue with remaining apolitical while simultaneously courting the MAGA crowd.  However, the people who opposed his confirmation the most also make up significant portions of her album, song and concert ticket sales.  She stood to lose big bucks if she did anything less than show her support, no matter how obvious she appears to outsiders.  


What Taylor has done is an act of self-preservation.  Plain and simple.

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LOL!!  God, this is so rich!  Really helps take the sting out of my tears!


Oh, Taylor, you cash-sucking witch!  You almost make me want to buy one of your albums just for bringing some laughter into my otherwise depressing Sunday evening!

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^ I agree with KB (I'll admit I don't know her), but I never in a hundred years thought TS was a democrat or would admit it. Not that I really follow much pop culture these days, but TS has even permeated my consciousness and that was not what I would have expected.


Kanye has problems. I'm not saying that excuses being a jerk, I'm just saying I don't believe he is stable. How could he say what he did about Bush during Katrina and then be for Trump?

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Oh, no.  Taylor's not a Democrat.  Not by a long shot, lol.


And like I said before, I won't believe it until I see it.  (To hell with the "you can't show your ballot online" laws.  If we could force Obama to show his birth certificates (which he shouldn't have had to!) then we can force Tay-Tay to show her completed ballot on Election Day.  And there better be video of her actually dropping that ballot into whatever receptacle those things go into, too!)

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Kanye I mean "ye", brags about never reading a book. Dude is running around saying we should get rid of the 13th Amendment. Does he even know the purpose of the 13th Amendment. Maybe he meant to say the 18th Amendment because there are men across the board who I believe would love that.


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