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Speaking of idiots, there was what I initially thought was an Onion story but looks to be true- that Jared Kushner registered as a female in the state of New York.

And this is the guy who is in charge of the Middle East peace process?!


In terms of where we are today, I agree that it will take years, possibly a generation, to undo all the damage that the Trump administration is creating.  

Off and on, I've been reading about the Reconstruction period where Blacks had made big political and socio-economic gains post slavery.  All of that was practically reversed with the emergence of the Ku Klux Klan, which set off a reign of terror and an undoing of that progress. Eventually gains were made but it took several generations to put African Americans on track to where they had once been during the Reconstruction era.

We just all may be getting a glimpse of what that feeling might be like, although it is clearly not as terror filled for most of us today.

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As I wrote on my FB page, "Jared Kushner is not among my favorite people, but could we PLEASE lay off judging his coming out as female? How an individual views him- or herself gender-wise is no one's business but theirs. Thank you."

Edited by Khan
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Michelle Obama: "Women who voted for Trump voted against their own voice."


Of course, many of those women who voted for Trump might say they didn't want to vote for Hillary JUST because she was a woman.  But seriously, if you knew Trump was a bastard, and you knew you couldn't vote for Hillary, then why not just vote third-party or stay home?


Fortunately, Michelle Obama's remarks don't apply to WOC.  They set aside their reservations and showed up for Hillary, because they saw Trump and his line of bull coming from miles away.

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Even the likes of Sarandon are not that filled with hubris as to go after Michelle. For them, HRC was easy pickings because of the perceived popularity issue (ironically, HRC blew Trump away in the popular vote total).



Ordinarily, a President not getting much accomplished with regards to passing legislation would be a big problem, but nothing is ordinary about the times we are now forced to live in.

It's likely more of a relief that this president is so ineffective at legislation.  What low standards we have now!


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Just so you all know you're not alone when it comes to politicians making fools of themselves, here's our former PM Tony Abbott having a tantrum on twitter (naturally) about Macklemore performing "Same Love" at the NRL Grand Final:




This is all because we're in the middle of a two month mail in survey vote about whether or not same sex marriage should be allowed. The yes vote is winning right now so we're being treated daily to these meltdowns from the far right side of Australian politics. The Macklemore row has resulted in the Immigration Minister demanding a song against gay marriage be sung also, Pauline Hanson whining about a "foreigner" singing a song at an Australian event, and Rita Panahi crying over how "rainbow fascists" are pushing the "gay agenda" on the poor right wingers. They've also pulled stunts like having a plane spell out no over Sydney in the middle of the afternoon, sending out robocalls to everyone in the country pleading for people to vote no, and having the ministers from Hillsong on the telly preaching about how this isn't what Jesus would want (or something). Pauline Hanson has also been going on about how this could lead to a ban on children calling their parents "mum and dad" for some reason no one has figured out yet.


Like I said though, the yes vote seems to be the majority and even the current PM Malcom Turnbull and a lot of the Liberal party (the liberal party is the right wing part here) are for it. My husband and I both voted yes and mailed our surveys back so I'm hopeful that us down here will soon be joining you all in also having marriage equality.

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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I think there is a lot of truth in this article about the punditry and  the US losing it's "number 1" mantra. Both have been going on for years. I've been feeling for a long time the US's mantra as the number 1 superpower is and has been slipping for years. There are a lot of factors, but we stopped for example fighting for noble causes and more for economic reasons after WW2. Roosevelt had to drag the US kicking and screaming into the "Old World" war, and now we don't bat an eye on sending troops or bombing anyone. I do wonder if the militarization of the US starting after the last world war has been the real driving factor behind where this country is at today. Eisenhower in his farewell speech warned Americans of this. He obviously saw it coming and in some ways participated in it himself.


I take issue with Trump = bad, Sanders = good. This country needs bold fresh leadership which I feel we had under Obama, where it was squandered. No I do not blame Obama I blame the many of us who took him for granted and didn't come out in droves to support him and some of the initiatives that could have been.

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