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The Democrats have already won the House - NBC called it for them hours ago.  The Democrats were 35 seats ahead before the election and so far have lost a net total of 3 - so still 32 seats ahead.

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PA, MI and WI still have many millions of mail in votes to process.  The Republican legislatures in those states purposefully set it up that way so it would look like Trump would have a tremendous lead when they were counting mainly just the Election Day ballots.


Most states did it the opposite way which is why Biden appeared to be way ahead in numerous red states and then Trump overtook him once the same day election ballots were cast after the mail in ballots.


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Biden is now plus 20k in Wisconsin - I think he was down more than 100k before this last update.  They are expecting another 10k for Biden in the next update.  It should not be this close.  

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I am not a conspiracy theorist but I am seeing people thinking it’s the Russians or someone interfering.  It is very hard to believe that so many polls were so far off ...again - even very far off from the margin of error.


For example for Wisconsin in the past week, two polls rated A+  showed Biden ahead by +17 (ABC News/Washington Post) and +11 (Siena/NYTimes). Seems fishy.



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I think what sucks is that, win or lose, the GOP is unlikely to move away from Trumpism anytime soon. Despite the state of the economy and thousands of lives lost this year (amongst other failures), huge swathes of the country still voted for and validated that f.ucked up agenda. Particularly, the literal brainwashing of parts of the Latino community in Florida is concerning to me.


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