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McCaskill says Biden team's attitude hasn't changed since the weekend: "As it turns out, the one true path was the one they're still focused on"


The Fox anchors are apparently going Rove 2012 on their pollsters' Arizona call.


Joe is speaking now to honking cars: "We believe we're on track to win this election!"



lol, Joe comes out for an encore to Jackie Wilson's "Higher".

Edited by Vee
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Trump of course is tweeting calling tonight a big win and blaming the wait for people casting votes after "the Poles". Brian Williams, deadpan: "This is capitalized to suggest it is the fault of the Polish people."




Iowa for Trump/Ernst. I think I mentioned that, but there you go.

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It's the choice between something and nothing. If Biden wins, there's a big risk of the public blaming him and House Democrats and giving the GOP a big 2022 comeback, but the alternative is too numbing to be able to stomach. I never really thought Democrats could take the Senate but I wish I hadn't let myself fall for the hype at all as I just ended up feeling let down. 

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The reason why Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania couldn’t start counting their mail in ballots until today is because, despite their Democratic Governors, they all have Republican legislatures who would not allow it (of course).  So because of that we have to wait.

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