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It's hard to feel sympathy for people who "know and not do," as the Bible says.  I'd rather direct that energy toward those who followed all the CDC guidelines and still were exposed to the virus thanks to the numb-nuts who followed our president's lead and dismissed it all as a hoax.

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Pay their respect, flags at half staff.  They're nuts.  They act like he's dead. 
The media would say it's rude if you didn't go gallivanting around seeking applause and adoration like a Dictator does?  Hardly.  The media needs to not show up at these press conferences and let it be crickets chirping.  That would P him off more than anything anyone says.   


Let him go back to the White House and get sicker and get hauled back to Walter Reed if he goes downhill.  Just watch, if he goes to the White House, he'll be fighting to go on the rally trail again and debates within days.  And he'll say and the Republicans will say he can do what he wants because he's the President.


And his tweet - we've developed great drugs, don't be afraid of COVID.  Yeah, great drugs and treatments that you had access to that 99.9% of Americans do not.   Exactly what we all knew - he'll be using this and the Republicans will use this to just downplay COVID.  He'll hold rallies with no one wearing masks - just watch.  


Edited by Fevuh
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Trump has announced he's leaving Walter Reed. 


After so many other people were revealed to be infected, I stopped believing it was a hoax, because I don't think that many doctors could be roped into lying without something being leaked, but I can't help myself from wondering if the Walter Reed part was a setup. 


The narrative he and his people have attempted to create is of a tough President who got moments of walking to a helicopter with a mask because he wanted to show the public he was taking his diagnosis seriously, being so tough that he was only in the hospital for a few days, and going on a public tour - again, flouting what the medical professionals that we are supposed to fear and resent told him to do - to meet with the people, waving as they clapped and sang for their hero. We will now get images of the triumphant President, who showed that COVID is no big deal and you just have to live your life, returning to the White House. 


The ads write themselves. 


We will now get a month of talking points about how much stronger he is than Biden and how he is living life while Biden is cowering.


The true believers will eat this up, but this isn't about them. 


This is about the media. 


The media love this man, they love the money and coverage that he brings them. They have no real use for Biden, and never really have. He won't put cash in their hands, or get them awards that remind them how intelligent and fearless they are.


Will they stand up for us, in what is likely our last free election (if this one is even free), in our last moments before fascism fully envelops this country? Will they stand up for the over two hundred thousand people that Trump murdered? Or will they go with what is easy, and makes them feel special?


We will see. 

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It is not a hoax and it is not going to work for anyone but the cult. And that narrative you describe has never materialized in the mainstream. He also did not want to go to Walter Reed; he was forced to.


He is not going to get the victory lap he wanted - the public and more importantly in this case the Beltway media are appalled and disgusted. He is almost certainly ordering the military doctors to release him against medical advice. He is contagious and dangerous, and will return to the WH to infect everyone and everything in sight. He is Typhoid Don now. He will demand a return to rallies and touring, which are impossible. And his admin will be lucky if he does not collapse in the next 6-10 days.


So like I said this morning: If he wants to go home, go for it. To paraphrase Obama, please proceed.

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That's why I said attempted. They are too incompetent to pull off staging most of the time, as shown with the disastrous rollout of Amy Covid Barrett, but I think it was the plan. In order for it to work, the media has to carry water. And if the choice is between a candidate they have no interest in and a party they hate, and ratings, big money, plus getting to cosplay as Woodward and Bernstein for 4 more years, I am not sure there is much of a choice. 

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