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That was my thought as well: "Okay, Mitty, what's it in for you?".


Between voting to remove Trump from office and supporting BLM protesters, I'd like to think even a grifter like Mitt Romney has his moments of conscience.  But, given everything else he's done throughout his political career, you'll forgive me if I can't bring myself to trust him as a politician just yet.




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It's Rasmussen. They polled Ben Carson, Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens. They are the only poll that Trump consistently retweets because they are the only poll that consistently puts him ahead. I don't know what will happen in November. But I do know that I'll be using paper copies of Rasmussen polls to wipe my ass when the apocalypse comes.  

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It's not really a big deal, with everything else going on, but even though I know they were given by the CBC, I wish someone on the public image team had asked Nancy Pelosi and other leaders whether it was a great idea to wear the Kente cloth today. It overshadowed the rollout of the legislation. Even Jordan Peele seemed to be mocking them as his racist characters wore those in Get Out. It's the type of thing that just seems tone deaf, and if Republicans weren't doubling down so much on all racism, all the time, they would probably use to their advantage. 


Speaking of Republicans, Trump's strategy (for this week anyway) will be more tough on crime, more immigration obsession, more China all the time. 




In other news, Iowa, which has become more competitive than expected, is moving to clamp down voting.



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