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Japan and US farmers both feel the frustration of Trump's trade policies...if one can even call them that. 




If his grandstanding with NAFTA also causes less to be exported and prices on imports to go up, will "the heartland" finally see through Trump and the GOP?


No, of course not - they will just blame Obama, Democrats, Bill Clinton, and whoever their preacher tells them to hate. 

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Frankly, if anything about TKAM were to make them uncomfortable, it would be the suggestion that even an African-American who has been accused of raping a white woman is innocent until proven guilty.

Edited by Khan
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@Cat posted this in the Status Updates but I want to post the link that she provided here as well.


Mogadishu truck bomb: 500 casualties in Somalia’s worst terrorist attack


Lest, people think that Orange Menace has nothing to do with this, he recently loosened the restrictions on drones (yes, you guessed it, it was an Obama administration-era restriction) which many experts believe was one of the factors for a retaliation by the Shabab (some Shabab have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, while others have taken an oath of allegiance to ISIS, terrorism doesn't seem particularly choosey).

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