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If not for Charlottesville, I think he WOULD have pulled out.  However, he's got to come up with something to distract everyone from that (and, of course, from Russia).  So, let the wild rumpus start!


Meanwhile, I'm not all that concerned about the solar eclipse.  Now, if the sky STAYS dark, then I'll know real life's answer to Montgomery Burns will be the end of us all.


He was sundowning.  Never ask tough questions like that to someone who is sundowning.

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I think it's impossible to overestimate how blind some people can be. The way I think of it now is it's hard to wake up to these issues if you don't even know you're asleep.  I went to college in southwest Virginia and despite being a northerner I sort of fell for the whole "This is our heritage thing" at the time. Partially because in the north we (poor white kids with a middling education) hardly gave the Civil War a second thought.  Virginia was a different world and I don't think it would be much of an exaggeration to say they were still fighting the war down there, at least culturally.


 Plus look at shows like The Duke's of Hazard that normalized the Confederate flag for kids. Once you really see what it means though, there's no going back and you see how completely unacceptable that flag and these statues are. I can't even say when I came to associate the Confederate flag as a racist symbol. I didn't have a come to Jesus moment, but I moved to Brandon FL around 2006 and there was a humongous Confederate Flag flying above the highway. I just gasped the first time I saw it and said "They can't!".  My much older friend said "Yeah they can. It's gone to court". It was clear she saw it as racist too.

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He is so Dumb!


Well, the Secret Service has no money because the Trumps blew through the budget with all those golf trips and Trump Inc. trips. People have been discussing the hypocrisy of the right-wingers and how ballistic they'd have gone had Obama or the Clintons gotten anywhere near this level of personal spending!


I've also been reading that more and more consumers are dumping Ivanka's clothes at their local Goodwill since no one will buy them at consignment stores. That, and the charities and organizations that are cancelling reservations en masse at Mar-a-Lago, maybe the presidency isn't feathering Trump Inc.'s nest as Donny had hoped it would. 

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If this keeps up, I wouldn't be surprised if The Trump Organization (or whoever they sell the building to) ended up changing the name of Trump Tower.  That name's going to have a taint on it no matter WHAT happens next.

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I see the Navy is suspending operations because of the recent rash of accidents.  The Marines have had their fair share as well since Capt Marmalade assumed occupancy in the White House.  I'm a little surprised that there hasn't been more made of this unfortunate turn of events for our military.  They deserve so much better than Trump's utter incompetence.  There's only so many new hours in a day.


However, if a Democrat were in the Oval Office, you can bet that the right and Fox New would be crowing from every rooftop about these accidents.

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^ Exactly, NBA, lol.


I feel for those Secret Service agents.  They have the toughest of jobs, risking their lives in order to keep our elected leaders and their loved ones safe; and THIS is the thanks they get: they're out of money, and they work for the shittiest boss ever.


I almost want to take up a collection to help out these guys.  Perhaps we could start a telethon or a rummage sale or something?


Of course, you KNOW that all Trump will do is hire his own, personal security, thus bringing us all one step closer toward totalitarianism.

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