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Frankly, I wish he would own it.  We already KNOW he is one of them by his actions and inactions.  We know that white supremacists everywhere have interpreted his ascendancy as an open mandate to preach their hate; and we know his base will continue to support him and explain away his failings no matter what.  So why not just admit you do, in fact, believe whites to be the superior race, and that when you promised to "Make America GREAT Again" you actually meant to "Make America WHITE (and Male and Heterosexual and Elitist) Again"?  Whaddya have to lose, Donny?  Even if you DO end up impeached (and with this GOP, that's a BIG if), it won't be because you can't stand anyone who isn't like you.

Edited by Khan
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Stuff like this is all he can do. He is a weak and ineffective president who can't get anything through Congress while HIS party controls the House and the Senate. He has to rely on pardons and superficial executive orders to make it look like he is doing his job.

Trump is a snake oil salesmen and his followers are idiots. They are literally celebrating Obama's economy and praising GDP growth (2.6 percent) that Trump was criticizing last year. Trump's first fiscal year does not start until October 1 and he has not signed any legislation that would affect the economy. He is not the cause of any positives but you can't tell his sycophants anything that goes against what his crazy ass says. 

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I guess even he isn't that stupid. Right now he can give the fringe winks and nods, but other Republicans can still support him by pretending they don't think he's really a racist. There are also a few groups who have supported him to further own limited interests, while not worrying much about everyone else. It would be harder for them to so that if he outright admits to being a white supremacist/ Nazi.

Edited by Juliajms
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One thing I have been heartened by is how no matter how much Donnie distracts, WaPo and NY Times always come back to Russia. The Russia investigation is the thing he hates. It's the the thing that scares him. It's the thing that will take his sorry bloated ass down. The frightening thing is that I fully expect he will nuke North Korea before it does.

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I honestly didn't think I'd ever say this...but that man is the most hated POTUS in my lifetime. even NIXON was somewhat popular when he died....Trump is just a......Lord I've ran out of stuff to call him. 

But my question is...why did they allow them to speak before this mess kicked off? they didn't know they were racist?

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Good question, Roman!  I wondered that myself!  It's not as if no one knew who Richard Spencer was or what he espoused before last weekend.  I suspect, though, they might have canceled, because they don't want another Charlottesville on their hands.  It's sad but it's true: sometimes, it takes people dying before others start paying attention.



That's because Nixon had managed (somewhat) to rehabilitate his image in the years following Watergate.  IDK whether he ever truly felt repentant about his actions or was merely fronting; but whenever I saw him on this-or-that program, he always appeared to me as a broken man.


Trump...?  Nah, that day's never gonna come.  Even if he's pushed out of the WH and sent up the river, he'll just double down like he always does.

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