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The silver lining here is this - just as with the inauguration, the backlash and direct condemnation of this march and its violence has been swift and massive, and for me unexpected in its forcefulness. A lot of GOP politicos and pundits I did not expect to condemn it have come out hard, and there will be more to come. Because of the violence and new media visibility, a lot of alt right and white nationalist talking heads and activists are now shying away from it and trying to disassociate. The pushback on it and the pressure on Trump to denounce it is going to continue to build. This is a story for at least the next week for him. IMO as awful as it is, it will be another tipping point, just like January.



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I don't agree with people who are saying 45 is too weak to criticize Nazis. Why would he do that. They are his people. He's been agreeing with them tacitly since this whole thing started. He has several of them in his administration ffs. I wish the media would stop pretending otherwise.

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Trump's people are basically just Trump and his ego. I think he probably does share some of those beliefs, but if he thought he wouldn't look weak, he'd probably say something, not because he is upset by their behavior, but because he would want the positive attention. He won't though because he thinks it will make him look weak. 


With that said, I have no time for grandstanding hypocrites like Joe Scarborough who enabled this attitude in the far right for many years and are now suddenly moral heroes.

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Well this may sound very cynical in light of this tragedy, but I don't ever want to hear one more word about downplaying identity politics. Everything we have seen happen in the past 7 months has been all about identify politics. WHITE IDENTITY politics. And it also reinvigorates my anger towards that 52% of white women who voted for this monster in the White House.

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