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Me either. This scandal has been hanging over their heads from day 1. Watergate didn't happen overnight.


John Dean was on with Chris Hayes this evening and reminded folks of something. The House judiciary committee took a vote on Nixon's impeachment several days before he resigned. Every single GOPer voted no. Then the tape appeared with Nixon and Haldeman talking about the coverup. Next day they all voted yes. Then Nixon resigned.

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It's a matter of time and persistence. If this keeps up they'll have to take him down to save themselves. I've always believed that and I still do.


Even my mother, who is remarkably pragmatic and tends to keep her cool, said she was scared tonight. She lived through Nixon and worked with the Department of Transportation in Washington on behalf of various congressmen for most of her career. She's very practical. She's now more politically involved than she's been in years, running various groups of women voters - she got more involved after canvassing in PA during the election.


End this as soon as possible:



I am tepid on Maggie Haberman on a good day, but this is truthfully the reason Trump does everything he does - not some masterful secret strategy:



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Haberman who I have ZERO use for(no idea why she has such a great reputation).


Anyway one of the comments I read about the White House underestimating the blowout ties to something John Dean also said about Watergate. When Nixon fired Cox after Cox refused to sideline the investigation, it was a surprise to much of the White House staff and like the Trump folks, everyone in the White House was shocked at the blowback.

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oh, let's wait and see......because I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. this behavior from this POTUS is about to get beyond crazy. he's trying to fire his way out of being impeached. just..,.,....beyond silly. 

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