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Frankly, more news organizations need to be treated the same way as CNN and the Washington Post.  I don't like the idea of a presidential administration censoring anyone from the media.  However, this might force these entities to stop being lazy and kissing ass in order to get their scoops, and do some actual reporting and investigating.  

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Frankly, I'm not surprised by those numbers.  For the most part, Obama kept us safe from radical Islamic terrorism.  However, as long as groups like ISIS remain on the West's radar, many will continue to feel anxiety, which, in turn, will lead them to support ANY measures that will restrict immigration.  That's when it's up to the more clear-minded ones to remind the others that our own fears and prejudices are the greatest weapons the Islamic State have against us, and that the minute we endorse anything that says, essentially, "We KNOW we're supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, but we don't want you here, because you're not Christian and you scare the bejeebus out of us," the terrorists have indeed won.


That's one reason why I admire Justin Trudeau despite what his critics maintain about him.  He told the refugees and others what, frankly, we should have told them all along.

Edited by Khan
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Almost every media outlet gave Trump a tongue bath, though. Not saying I disagree with what you're saying in theory, but freezing out the media in a supposed democracy because the president is an overgrown baby with a superiority complex is an alarming move.


(Still prays for the day Trump does something so heinous that impeachment is the only recourse.)

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Trump called his wife "ugly" and Cruz STILL ended up campaigning for the S.O.B.


If I were Mrs. Cruz, I would have told Ted to expect his [!@#$%^&*] on the front lawn and the divorce papers in the mail.

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Betsy DeVos Invests in a Therapy Under Scrutiny


So Betsy deVos invests in Neurocore, which seems to be the Neuroscience equivalent of Trump University.


Neurocore hires grad students and social workers, underpays them and loads them up with cases where they are tasked with performing duties above their skillset and pay grade. What could possibly go wrong?


While I read this article, I kept getting the image of the main character from A Clockwork Orange being put in front of a TV monitor while his eyes were pried open with metal implements.


deVos and her husband sound like Quacks.

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It really is. CNN could have done better during the election, but I don't really agree that they were complicit. They are my main news source and I saw the writing on the wall well enough. His own words condemned him on CNN and every other news source. No news source can make people care that someone is a racist, sexist demagogue.


ETA: On the other hand not seeing Kellyanne has been kind of nice.

Edited by Juliajms
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Sure, but I guess my thought is shouldn't getting more airtime have hurt Trump? They showed him in all his evil glory.  Either way, this is another case where we can't turn back the clock.  At this point CNN is going after him pretty hard, so I'm not going to celebrate the fact that they are getting frozen out for past mistakes. In the end this isn't about CNN or WP. He's trying to destroy news sources that aren't falling in line and that is deeply disturbing.

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I agree with you but if this is what it takes for journalists to find their spines and souls again then so be it. Once Donnie banned WaPo they snapped out of the fog and rediscovered what journalism meant. I think the same will happen for individual journalists at CNN. Not the network because...Jeff Zucker. But IMO certain individuals will rediscover why they decided to go into the profession.

Edited by marceline
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Well that is actually the best case to be made. And it hasn't seemed to hurt their sources or the leaks they get. I wish the NY Times would get their spine back. At times it's shown but then they soft peddle stuff or hide it like not disclosing that dossier on Trump before the election, even though they had it.

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