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Jane is right: This election and the last few have made a mockery of Beltway wisdom. The world has changed. When you have (only a few) white pundits wondering aloud if the big Latino turnout in NV could break for Trump, that's media from another world. Joe and Mika are still at it somehow trying to claim the Comey reversal is bad news for Hillary and Trump can win, but who believes them? Not even their increasingly rebellious panel of regulars. And watching Brian Williams make Mark Halperin eat shìt as Nicolle Wallace and Steve Schmidt watched with glee - I never thought I'd see that.


Politico waves the white flag.

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The Beltway wisdom has been dead for years. They are the epitome of white elitists and while Barack Obama elected should have taught them something, this election should show them how really out of touch they are. And that this country is not just about working class white men.



This election season has cost me a few friends, but I have also made some closer friends. Latinx and African American women who I have worked with for several years and realized I have more in common with them than I do some of my older friends. And they have also opened my eyes to things I have known but pushed aside.



Pant Suit Nation on facebook, a private facebook group was started 2 weeks ago by a Hillary supporter and now has almost 2 million members. On it are women and men of all ages and colors enthused about Hillary, sharing their own stories(some are truly heartbreaking)  and enthusiasm. This is where people go and what people do when they can't find what they are looking for in traditional forums they start their own. The founder is amazed at it's popularity.



The point is if the traditional media and press sources want to stay relevant they will need to recognize America is no longer even moderate right. It's moderate left. And younger people who have no thoughts of race  or gender, have no fear of immigrants, actually care about climate change(something no one in the press or MSM has talked about AT ALL) are helping us all move forward along with many of us who are older and know that forward is the only way to go.





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And for those who think minorities can be discouraged from voting from the white MSM and white press, here are some stats from Florida


+453.8K Latinos voted early in Florida, that's an increase of 86.9% compared to 2012, many of these are less than likely voters also.

Edited by JaneAusten
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The ironic thing is HRC is likely to do more for this group than DT ever would have. No one can bring back manufacturing jobs, but at the very least she'll try to expand the social safety net. I imagine she'll try to get an infrastructure bill passed that would employ some working class people too.

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The sad part about the manufacturing con job Trump and the GOP have been running with is that more mftg jobs have been lost to things like robotics and automation than to China or Mexico.


I'm not sold on the idea of retraining millions upon millions that HRC is talking about, but infrastructure jobs where we invest in things like clean energy might be a good starting point. Lots of people got training though the WPA during the depression, skills that helped them for years.

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^ It's only going to get worse when trucking jobs are lost to automation. There have been some recent articles about that. I keep hearing people say that our roads and bridges are in desperate need of upgrading, which would help business, but there's some reason Republicans keep blocking it. I can't even remember why now.


Retraining people sounds good to me, but I'll admit I don't think it's practical.  I think most of us here believe she is going to have a hell of a time getting anything done. If in the next four years she can pass some fixes to the ACA, get her SC nomination passed and get one piece of major legislation that is her own passed, I'll be thrilled. Oh, and help block the worst of what the GOP has to offer, of course.


Looks like funding was the reason.


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I agree. I was listening to a radio program last week and they were actually discussing automation in the trucking industry. I honestly didn't realize it's as close as they were claiming it is.


Long term training and transitioning people is the only way to go. I read an article a few weeks back comparing the dying of the mftg industry to the pains felt when the world moved from agriculture into the industrial revolution and there was a lot of pain surrounding that. Lots of people moved out of necessity sure but a lot of it was also opportunity to earn and learn more.

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Small batch manufacturing seems to be the only model of manufacturing that is achieving success at this time.


Paul Krugman wrote a succinct piece that pretty much summarizes this election season and names, one by one, who exactly has been doing the 'rigging' in this election.


How to Rig an Election



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Cokie Roberts, whose name I last remember for whining and whining that Obama looked anti-American for vacationing in Hawaii, is now suggesting the only thing that will stop an increased Latino vote is birth control. But she loves those Latino people, don't get her wrong.




Meanwhile, the bigoted, disgusting NCGOP openly brag about how low black voter turnout is compared to 2012, when their vote suppression machines are the biggest reason why.




I hope at the very least that nasty little man McCrory loses, as that state truly has self-destructed in the last decade and it makes me sad.


Looks like they're still trying to keep it tied. 




I can't remember who the state polling favored in 2012.


I'd say Hillary has a slight edge but I do think there's a lot of anti-Clinton fervor and frightening Trump worship that is going to make it close. Hopefully no one out there is assuming she has it wrapped up and decides to stay home, at least if they're in a close state. 

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