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I wonder how he feels about Newt repeatedly calling him "little Trump." Newt is a passive-aggressive, mean man, so I imagine he knows how much that must rankle. 


Someone here already mentioned it, I think, but apparently Ailes and Trump are no longer speaking. Good luck with that TV network. 

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She just tore him apart comparing their 30-year records.


Here comes the sex accusations.


The audience laughs as he again claims nobody has more respect for women than him.


Trump brags re: accusations - "I didn't even apologize to my wife!"

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Oh, my God. He is responding to Hillary's argument about undocumented immigrants paying more tax than him by insisting "I'm entitled!" This man is suicidal.


Trump: "I sat my in very beautiful hotel -"


Hillary: "Made with Chinese steel."


The audience laughs.

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Wallace is arguing that he must concede.


Trump: "I'll tell you at the time! I'll keep you in suspense."


Hillary: "Well, Chris, let me respond to that because that is horrifying." Paraphrasing her: He lost a caucus, he said it was rigged, the FBI finds Hillary innocent, he says it's rigged. He didn't get an Emmy, he says it's rigged.


The audience applauds her as she brings up Obama calling him a whiner.

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