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See, I LOVED when she had that moment of vulnerability.  Loved it.  And I'm with you, I'd like to see the unfiltered Hillary.

She really suffers by comparison when her opponent is such an effortless, charismatic speaker like Obama in 2008 and to a lesser extent, Sanders this year.  Say what you will about his supporters (full disclosure I pulled the handle for him), the Bern gives a damn good speech.  




I wish some of our right wing posters were still around.  It would be interesting to get their take on the republican race and potential contested convention.  Sigh.



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This is kind of interesting. Bill Clinton defending his record against Black Lives Matter protesters. I'm really torn on the issue of mass incarceration. On the one hand I think people should not be put away long term from drug crimes. On the other hand those crimes can lead to an increase of robberies and B&E's and that's when things get scary to me. If nothing else, I hope HRC can help make the justice system more fair across the board if she gets in.



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I am really glad Bill stood up to them.   Hillary was afraid to stand up for common sense because to do so gets you branded a racist by that group, but Bill told it like it is.    If crack selling gangs shooting up the streets are not predators, then what the hell are they?    The mandatory jail sentences for people selling marijuana was ridiculous, but who really cares about crack dealers?   Did they care about anyone they peddled their crap to?    Naive 20 year olds trying to lecture Hillary about the 80s and 90s is ridiculous.   Back then the murder rate in NYC was 5x what it is now.   They decimated their own families and neighborhoods just fine with no help from Bill.    It's unreal we have reached such a ridiculous level of PC sensitivity that someone could say with a straight face "oh, you are against gun toting, crack selling murderers?   Well, that makes you a racist because a lot of them were black!"    It's just insane.

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As is typical of him in the last couple election cycles, Bill has a lot of good points mixed in with the wrong moment, the wrong temperament and the wrong attitude. That is going to hurt Hillary and it's not the first time he's done so.

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Hillary is more scrutinized than anyone else aside from maybe Trump and it's been going on for 25 years. Anything she does "wrong" is horrible. I can imagine she feels she can't do anything out of place for that reason. 

Bernie, on the other hand, until this week, has gotten almost a free pass from this sort of treatment. And of course he whined about how the "corporate media" treats him. I am so over Bernie. Between his rigidity, his disciples' actions(they trolled the daughter of the principle who lost her life at Sandy Hook this week-classy!) among other things, he needs to go away and the sooner the better. 

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I agree with this.  He has mixed up some facts between state and federal government policies (whether this is an intentional obsfucation or not intentional is another matter).  Bill can be an extremely talented politician but man, oh man, does he lack discipline!  Stick to the script, Bill unless you want to tank your wife's chances.:rolleyes:

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The irony is that Chirlane is always on time while Bill is chronically late.  It actually is a real problem for him, his wife has taken separate transport so that she's on time!  


I think it is a tempest in a teapot, for the record but it is what most people in the NYC area are talking about today, rather than this interview with the Daily News.

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The narrative that the press likes to cling to is that the Clinton campaign is messy and undisciplined but that was the campaign in '08.  I think her campaign has been fairly discliplined except for Bill and surrogates are messy most of the time, all of the candidates have messy surrogates, well except for Cruz because he doesn't have any.

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God, I was just thinking about her because yesterday was Equal Pay Day and remember how I watched a documentary over the weekend on how she help lead the charge to tank the ERA.:angry:  Someone should've ousted her behind a long time ago!


The GOP can keep tearing their organization to bits til there's nothing left, for all I care.

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